Creative Fireworks


With CreativeFireworks you are able to create your own firework effects!

How to install:
  1. Download this plugin.
  2. Put CreativeFireworks.jar into your plugins folder.
  3. Start your server and get ready for your first firework effect! :)

/creativefireworks or /cf - Shows information about CreativeFireworks.
/cf help - Shows helping information.
/cf help types - Shows information about all available types.
/cf help colors - Shows information about all available colors.
/cf add <type> <colors> - Adds an effect to the firework rocket. <colors> can also be splitted by commas.
Example: /cf add ball orange,white
/cf add <type> <colors> <flicker> - Adds an effect with flicker (if "true") to the firework rocket.
/cf add <type> <colors> <flicker> <trail> - Adds an effect with flicker (if "true") and trail (if "true") to the firework rocket.
/cf add <type> <colors> <flicker> <trail> <fadecolors> - Adds an effect with flicker (if "true"), trail (if "true") and fadecolors to the firework rocket. <fadecolors> works as well as <colors>.
Example: /cf add ball orange,white true false green,red,blue
/cf add random - Adds a completely random created effect to your firework rocket.
/cf remove <type> - Removes a type from your firework rocket. Replace <type> with "-a" to remove all effects.
/cf set duration <duration> - Sets the flight duration to the specified <duration>.

<type> can be replaced with "-r" to get a random type.
<colors> can be replaced with "-a" for all colors or "-r" for a random color. To get more random chosen colors, you have to add ":amount" to "-r".
Example: /cf add star -r:6 - This adds 6 random chosen colors to your firework rocket.
<flicker> can be replaced with "-r" to let "true" or "false" be random chosen.
<trail> same as <flicker>.
<fadecolors> same as <colors>.


creativeFireworks.* - Gives you access to all permissions of CreativeFireworks.* - Gives you access to all helping permissions of CreativeFireworks.
creativeFireworks - Gives you access to the default CreativeFireworks permission. - Gives you access to the helping information. - Gives you access to the helping information about types. - Gives you access to the helping information about colors.
creativeFireworks.add - Gives you access to add effects to your firework rocket.
creativeFireworks.remove - Gives you access to remove effects from your firework rocket.
creativeFireworks.random - Gives you access to add a completely random created effect to your firework rocket.
creativeFireworks.set - Gives you access to set options for a firework rocket.

To-Do list:

Nothing. Do you have any suggestions? :)

Found an error or bug? Please let me know! Copy the command line you typed in before the error occurred and post it.

Version 1.1
- Bug fixes
Version 1.0
- Official release


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Dec 26, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Dec 28, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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