


Clash is a Bukkit plugin that aims to provide a fairer PVP experience for survival-oriented Minecraft servers. In order to do so, it implements a variety of configurable changes to the way in which PVP combat is managed, including:

  • Protection of players from PVP combat within various types of safezone (provided by other plugins such as WorldGuard or GriefPrevention)
  • Continued protection of players for a configurable length of time after they leave a safezone, to prevent safezone camping
  • Restriction of teleportation for players who are in PVP combat
  • Punishment of players who log out during PVP combat
  • Per-player enabling and disabling of PVP combat, to protect new players and those who wish to coexist peacefully with others

Additionally, Clash provides an API which other plugins can use to check if a player should be protected, add PVP protection for safezone types not natively supported by Clash, and easily monitor who is in PVP with whom.


Plugin functionality is packaged in the form of "modules"; distinct modules are separated by newlines in the config.yml file. Individual plugin mechanics can be turned on and off by enabling and disabling these modules. A default config.yml is generated if none is found in the plugin's data folder; most server owners should be able to get by without changing the default config settings.

The plugin can be enabled or disabled on a per-world basis if necessary. If "restricted-to-approved-worlds" is set to true, plugin mechanics will operate only within worlds listed under "pvp-worlds".

API Usage

After importing Clash.jar as a library, you can develop plugins that utilize Clash's PVP API. Obtain an instance of ClashPlugin from the plugin manager, then use this to obtain a PvpManager instance via ClashPlugin.getPvpManager().

To obtain and modify specific player's associated PVP data, make a call to PvpManager.getPlayerData(String playername) and perform any necessary operations on the PlayerData object.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Aug 21, 2012
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