Commands and Permissions

All permissions begin with "bookswithoutborders."

.admin defaults to OP and gives full access.

.use is good for basic users, and gives .save, .load, and .delete.

.bypassauthoronlycopy lets users ignore the Author_Only_Copy config setting

.bypassbookprice lets users ignore the Price_to_create_book config setting

/BookswithoutBorders or /BwB
Provides a list of available commands and example usage
/BwB Reload
Reloads BooksWithoutBorders's configuration file. Can be used in the console.
/BwB Load [File name or list number] [# of copies] [True/False]
Creates a book from the specified text file from the player's personal directory. If no name is supplied it will provide a numbered list of files.
The numbers from this list can then be used in lieu of file names.
The [# of copies] determines how many books the player receives.(Defaults to 1)
The [True/False] determines if the book is given to the player signed or unsigned.(Defaults to true)
/BwB loadPublic [File name or list number] [# of copies] [True/False]
Same as the Load command, but loads and lists files from the server's public book directory.
/BwB Give [File name or list number] [receivingPlayer] [# of copies] [True/False]
Gives a book from the specified text file from the player's personal directory to the specified player.
If no book name is supplied it will provide a numbered list of files.
The numbers from this list can then be used in lieu of file names.
The [# of copies] determines how many books the player is given.(Defaults to 1)
The [True/False] determines if the book is given to the player signed or unsigned.(Defaults to true)
/BwB givePublic [File name or list number] [# of copies] [True/False]
Same as the Give command, but gives and lists files from the server's public book directory.
/BwB Save [True/False]
Saves the book the player is holding to a text file named Title,Author.txt. The [True/False] determines if the book being saved will overwrite a file of the same name. (Defaults to false)
Saves to the player's private directory.
/BwB savePublic [True/False]
Same as the Save command, but saves to the server's public book directory.
/BwB Delete [File name or list number]
Deletes specified file from the player's personal directory. If one isn't specified, it supplies a numbered list of available files. The numbers from this list can then be used in lieu of file names.
/BwB deletePublic [File name or list number]
Same as Delete, but deletes from the public directory.
/BwB Copy [number of copies]
Copies the book the player is holding.
/BwB Encrypt [Key] [Style]
Encrypts the currently held book's contents using a substitution cypher and the supplied text. The key can be any entered text excluding spaces.
[Style] is optional, and can be "DNA" (content replaced with DNA base pairs) or "Magic" (content replaced with constantly changing characters)
/BwB groupEncrypt [Group name] [Key] [Style]
Encrypts book so that only players with the .decrypt.[group name] permission may decrypt the book by holding and left clicking the book.
/BwB Decrypt [Key]
Decrypts the currently held book's contents if and only if the specified key exactly matches the key used to encrypt it.
/BwB Unsign
Unsigns the book the player is holding so they may continue to edit it.
/BwB setTitle [title]
Sets the title of the currently held book to the title specified
/BwB setAuthor [author]
Sets the author of the currently held book to the author specified
/BwB setLore [line of lore~next line of lore...]
Sets the lore of the currently held item to lore specified. By default "~" is used to indicate the start of a new line of text
/BwB setBookPrice [Item or Eco] [Quantity]
Sets the per-book-price to create books via commands.
If [Item], the item in the player's hand in the amount of [quanity] will be the price.
If [Eco], a Vault based economy will be used for price.
If neither [Item or Eco] or [quantity] are specified the current price to create books will be removed.