
Sample Configuration File

Below is an example of the default config values for BooksWithoutBorders and an explanation of what they do.

    Save_Books_in_Yaml_Format: true
    //Determines what format books are saved with
    //If true books are saved as .yml, if false, .txt

    Max_Number_of_Duplicates: 5
    //Sets the maximum number of duplicate text files that can be created under one name.
    //Currently only untitled books can have duplicates.

    Title-Author_Separator: ','
    //Sets the character that is used to separate the title and author of a book for its text file name.
    //Must be a single character that can be used in a file name.

    Lore_line_separator: '~'
    //Character that separates each line of lore added to an item with /bwb setLore
    //For example, using "/bwb setLore This is the best dirt ever!~Be sure to keep it safe!"
    //would make an item's lore read:
    //This is the best dirt ever!
    //Be sure to keep it safe!

    - ' '
    //Books to give first time players on initial login. If set to ' ' no book is given.
    //The values should be the filename or load list number of a book in the public directory, one per line.
    //BwB uses "Existing Players.txt" (in BwB's folder) as a list of players that have
    //played on your server before. Removing a name from the file will allow that player to 
    //receive the new player book again. Be sure to use /BwB reload after altering the file.

    Message_for_new_players: ' '
    //Message to send players when they receive the book mentioned above.
    //If set to ' ' no message is sent.

   Admin_Auto_Decrypt: false
   //If set to true, players with the .admin permission can use /BwB Decrypt to automatically decrypt the currently held book
   Author_Only_Copy: false
   //If set to true, players can only use the copy command on books they authored
   //The .bypassauthoronlycopy permission lets players ignore this setting
   //These options dictate the cost of creating books via command
   //This can be set in-game via /BwB setBookPrice
   //The .bypassbookprice permission allows players to ignore these settings
     Item_type: "Item type name"
     //Determines the type of item required to create a book via command
     //If set to "Economy", BwB will use a Vault compatible economy
     Required_quantity: 0
     //The amount of Item_type required to create a book via command
     //Must be greater than 0