
Version 1.x.x
Have alot of trolls on your server? Want to stop the use of memes and apply events to the players that use them? Well AntiMeme is for you. With a simple configuration and permission system you can control what memes are and aren't allowed in your server.

1) Blocks many popular memes to date (And still adding).
2) Config file to allow you to turn off filters for certain memes.
3) Permissions nodes for ignoring some, if not all, meme filters.
4) The plugin does its best not to kill the player rather injure them.
5) If block meme is detected, stops the entire sentence from ever being displayed.

1) Drop the AntiMeme.jar into your plugins folder.
2) On first run the plugin will create the config.
3) Configure the plugin how you wish and have at it :D

Permission Nodes
antimeme.* - Gives all nodes.
antimeme.ignore - Give the ability to ignore the AntiMeme filter all together.

You can also block individual memes in the event you want some people filtered and some not.
The individual meme ignore node works by adding a ".<memename>" to your ignore node. All of the individual nodes are given below.
Remember useing the node will result in only that meme to be ignored. Use the antimeme.ignore to ignore all.

antimeme.ignore.easteregg - This is a secret. I wont tell you what phrase this blocks.
antimeme.ignore.foreveralone - Blocks the phrase "Forever Alone"
antimeme.ignore.likeasir - Blocks the phrase "Like A Sir"
antimeme.ignore.arrowtotheknee - Blocks the phrase "Arrow To The Knee"
antimeme.ignore.youmad - Blocks the phrase "You Mad (and other forms of the phrase)"
antimeme.ignore.hemad - Blocks the phrase "He Mad (and other forms of the phrase)"
antimeme.ignore.immad - Blocks the phrase "Im Mad (and other forms of the phrase)"
antimeme.ignore.troll - Blocks the phrase "Troll (and other forms of the word)"
antimeme.ignore.yuno - Blocks the phrase "Y U NO"
antimeme.ignore.herpderp - Blocks the words "Herp / Derp"
antimeme.ignore.honeybadgerdont - Blocks the phrase "Honey Badger Dont . . ."
antimeme.ignore.thisissparta - Blocks the phrase "This Is Sparta" - Blocks the phrase "Fail"
antimeme.ignore.doublerainbow - Blocks the phrase "Double Rainbow"
antimeme.ignore.pwned - Blocks the phrase "Pwned"
antimeme.ignore.owned - Blocks the phrase "Owned"
antimeme.ignore.withmypenis - Blocks the phrase "With My Penis"
antimeme.ignore.wtfboom - Blocks the phrase "WTF Boom"
antimeme.ignore.pbjtime - Blocks the phrase "Peanut butter jelly time (and other forms of the phrase)"
antimeme.ignore.fap - Blocks the word "Fap"
antimeme.ignore.realhappyforyou - Blocks the phrase "Real Happy For You (and other forms of the phrase)"
antimeme.ignore.gonnahaveabadtime - Blocks the phrase "Gonna Have A Bad Time"
antimeme.ignore.notsureif - Blocks the phrase "Not Sure If, Or Just"
antimeme.ignore.awildxappeared - Blocks the phrase "A Wild (blank) Appeared"
antimeme.ignore.whathasbeenseen - Blocks the phrase "What Has Been Seen"
antimeme.ignore.fuckthepolice - Blocks the phrase "Fuck The Police"
antimeme.ignore.likeaboss - Blocks the phrase "Like A Boss"
antimeme.ignore.youjelly - Blocks the phrase "You Jelly (and other forms of the phrase)"
antimeme.ignore.megusta - Blocks the phrase "Me Gusta"
antimeme.ignore.coolstory - Blocks the phrase "Cool Story"
antimeme.ignore.lag - Blocks the use of the word "Lag"
antimeme.ignore.pussy - Blocks the use of the word "Pussy"
antimeme.ignore.ownahorse - Blocks the phrase "I Own A Horse"
antimeme.ignore.cancounttopotato - Blocks the phrase "I Can Count To Potato"
antimeme.ignore.hurdur - Blocks the use of the words "Hur" and "Dur"
antimeme.ignore.truestory - Blocks the phrase "True Story"
antimeme.ignore.allyourbase - Blocks the phrase "All You Base Are Belong To Us"
antimeme.ignore.ihavetheweirdestboner - Blocks the phrase "I Have The Weirdest Boner"

Related Information
1) AntiMeme works by not looking for the exact phrase rather looking for the combination of words that equal the phrase. Now I know this is some instances can mean its really sensitive but let me tell you I did my best to make sure it wasn't.
2) The EasterEgg is a trigger phrase in the code. If you figure out the trigger phrase, please do not share it but rather glote that you found it :).

1) Add new memes (taking suggestions as to which to add first)
2) Add a custom meme file for generic blocking.

As well as all suggestions are always welcome.


Version 1.1.1

  • Fixed bug in easter egg
  • Added Memes (Me Gusta, Cool Story, I Own A Horse, Lag, Pussy, Can Count To Potato, HurDur, True Story, All Your Base Are Belong To Us, and I Have The Weirdest Boner.)

Version 1.0.0

  • Release

Known Issues
1) None.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    May 23, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Jun 22, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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