
AntiAdvertising config.yml


When you first set up the plugin, a config.yml with all necessary values will be generated. But by default, no actions against advertising are enabled, so you'll need to change at least one of the actions.*.attempts. In order to make it easier, I prepared a config.yml that will probably suffice for people who don't want to get to deep into the config files.

But I would recommend to at least add your own server's address to the whitelist to prevent measures against users that only post your server's address. For the format of lists in YAML, you can check Wikipedia ;-)


enabled: BOOLEAN
Set this to false to disable checking the chat for server advertisement. Servers can still be pinged manually using the /serverping command.
debug: BOOLEAN
Set this to true to enable the debug mode. This will produce a more detailed server log output.
whitelist: STRING_LIST
The list of servers allowed to be mentioned in the chat.Format: server-address or server-address:port
Configuration of the actions performed when a player advertises a server.
Notifies moderators with notification permission of the advertisement.
message: STRING
The notification message to be broadcasted.
Use %NAME% to insert the player name, %MSG% for the sent message, &0 - &f for colors.
format: STRING
The output format of the server information.
Use %MOTD% for the server's message of the day,
%ADDRESS% for the server's address,
%PLAYERS% for the current and %MAX% for the maximal player count.
Logs the advertisement.
Censors server advertisement (replaces it by '*' characters).
Executes a custom command. (Input like server commands: 'kick name')
command: STRING
The command to be executed.
Use %NAME% to insert the player name.
Kicks the player from the server.
message: STRING
The kick message.
Use &0 - &f for colors.
Broadcasts a message to the server.
message: STRING
The message to be broadcasted.
Use %NAME% to insert the player name, &0 - &f for colors.
Hides server advertisement (drops the messages).
Configuration of how the chat is checked for advertisement.
commands: STRING_LIST
List of commands whose parameters should be checked in addition to the normal chat. (like /msg)

Action configuration

In addition to the parameters here described, each actions node has the following parameters:

attempts: INTEGER
The count of advertisement attempts a player can make before this action is performed (0 means the action is disabled)
Set this to true to reset the attempt counter for this action every time this action is performed, false to always perform the action after its first execution.

Example: A Player continues to advert to his server and the 'censor' action is enabled with parameters attempts: 2 and once: true
Then the chat will look like this:
<Player> go to my server at!!!
<Player> go to my server at ***********!!!
<Player> go to my server at!!!
<Player> go to my server at ***********!!!

If once is set to false, the result will be the following (if the player hasn't adverted to any server before):
<Player> go to my server at!!!
<Player> go to my server at ***********!!!
<Player> go to my server at ***********!!!
<Player> go to my server at ***********!!!


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