Does it work with 1.5.2?
Yes. There is no reason why it shouldn't.
I installed the plugin, but it doesn't do anything!
By default, no actions will be taken against server advertisement. See the configuration manual for a description of the available actions.
What if somebody advertises using an address like ',12345',
'server.domain.de 25560', ...?

Unfortunately for you, I won't change the plugin to match these address formats.

Somewhere, I have to draw a line between checking each part of each message due to a small possibility that this could be advertisement and sticking to the 'normal address format' of host address:port.
Using a more 'generic' pattern would increase the number of unnecessary 'false positives' for which a DNS request has to be made etc. without significantly increasing the percentage of found server advertisement.

I myself have never encountered anybody advertising a server in the format you mentioned, but many people using a format like or server.address.com:12345, you could still manually ping the server using /serverping and ban the person afterwards.

My plugin can't provide complete protection against advertisement, but it can block a great percentage of it ;-)


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