
AirJump adds a completely new mechanic - the ability to jump in the air!

How do I use AirJump?
Simple, just jump then hold shift.

If I'm falling and I am holding shift, why do I air jump?
This is a bonus mechanic! You know those situations where you're falling to your death? Hold shift and you'll be boosted. Get on that edge!

Wait, then won't players be able to fly?
Each time you air jump your hunger increases by 0.5 (half a chicken leg), this means the number of times players can air jump is limited.

Are there any commands or configurations?
Nope! AirJump is super simple.

How about permissions?
We do have permissions. For more information see our permissions page:

I'd like to see the plugin in-action before I download!
Sure! Watch the Video Preview, and if you don't like it, suggest something to be changed!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Mar 26, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Jun 23, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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