
enableMetrics: true #Enable Metrics
Locale: en #Language locale
debugMode: false #Enable Debug mode
loglevel: 500 #Level of logging. Lower number -> more Information

update.enable: true #Disable/Enable update functionality
update.autoUpdate: true #If true the updater will automatically download and install new plugin versions. If false a player with the permission zvp.update will be informed
update.showUpdateInConsole: true #Display download information in console
enableKits; true #Disable/Enable kits completely
enableFirework: false #Disable/Enable firework
useVoteSystem: true #Use Votes to start next wave
separatePlayerScores: false #Use separated scores for player or one score for all players
maximal_Players: 25 #maximal number of players in one arena
default_rounds: 3 #The default amount of rounds
default_waves: 5 #The default amount of waves per round
joinTime: 15 #Time you have until the game starts
timeBetweenWaves: 90 #If useVoteSystem=false. The time in seconds until the next wave starts
default_spawnRate: 20 #Zombie spawn factor
default_saveRadius: 3.0 #Radius in Blocks where no zombies are spawning
ZombieFund: 0.37 #Amount of money you get from one killed zombie
DeathFee: 3 #Amount of money you pay when you die


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