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Here you can find links to the language files. If you want to translate one of the files, please send me an PM.
This is because there are some things you need to know about the language files.

How to Install and use Language Files

All the language files have an file extension with the name 'lang'. The name of the file will be the name used in the settings file.
Like so: 'Nederlands.lang'.
And the settings file: 'language: Nederlands'.

Links to the Language files

Included in 1.2.1:

Other Languages comming:

  • German
  • Hungarian


First off: editing an language file is easy! Every plain-text editor can read the files so you don't need external programs for that.

The first 5 lines of the language files are all for the credits and file information of the one that translated this file:

[FILE_INFO] #Please do not edit the next 4 lines.
FILE_INFO_AUTHORS = Jucko13, Birdfire22
FILE_INFO_OTHERS = This file is made by Jucko13 and with a lot of help of Birdfire22.

As you can see all the properties (like FILE_INFO_VERSION) are followed by an space an equal sign and again a space like this ' = '. I did this to make it more readable.

Some lines are holding some marks that can change during the game, like numbers or names. Those will all be in uppercase and with an % mark surrounding it. This is hard to understand so here is an example:

INGAME_FIRST_TURN = The First turn go's to: %PLAYERNAME%!

The %PLAYERNAME% mark will be replaced in the plugin with the name of the player that may be the first one to burn his/her enemy down. This mark does not need to be surrounded by spaces. You can place anything against it or behind it. Example:

I have soooo much fun with :'%PLAYERNAME%' hahah lolol

This will print: I have soooo much fun with :'jucko13' hahah lolol
NOTE: most of the time the color of the mark will be different than the other words in the line.

All available marks with an example are listed below. Not all marks can be used in all lines!

It's %PLAYERNAME%'s turn now!
You Cannot place an %BOATNAME% boat here, it is to long!
You paid %MONEY% to play and you have %MONEY2% left.
Sign Created by '%PLAYERNAME%' at (%COORDS%)
This page does not exist! The pages go from 1 to %MAXPAGENUMBER%.
PlayerField %FIELDNAME% is successfully removed!
You already invited %PLAYERNAME% to play %ZEESLAG%!

NOTE: Every time that a mark in this list is used, the color will be different from the rest of the line.

If you want to color a word in a sentence you can make an new property and use it inside of another property like this:


This will print: You Hit an enemy Boat!
NOTE: Some lines are split like the example above this line in the plugin code. This means that sometimes you need an extra space behind the sentence to make it look right when playing. NOTE2: Not all lines use coloring!!!


OTHER_HIT = Haahahah you %OTHER_HIT% someone right in the #&^$ (Boat)!

This will create a endless loop that will only stop when an memory error occurs. So please don't do this kind of jokes :)

The rest in the file should be self explaining I guess. If you STILL have any questions left PLEASE ask them and never give up :)

TIP: Were you editing an default file and something went wrong? Just delete the file and restart your server. The plugin will create a new file for you.
TIP: Are you translating a file for me and for all the others around? You can save your edited file and use the command: "/zs load" to reload the file without restarting the server!


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