


The configuration file for this plugin is very simple, compared to other plugins. It uses .txt so you do not need to worry about using incorrect formatting, as you would with YML.


When you run the plugin for the first time, a default configuration file will be generated, this file will contain the following contents:

xp_drain : true
level_cap: -1
drain_rate : 1
30 : 2 : 39
40 : 3 : 49
50 : 4 : -1

Whilst the above code looks complex, it is a lot more simple. The first line defines whether or not the xp drain feature is on - if it is true, all players lose XP when using XPStrength, if it is false, they do not. The second line is for the level cap - -1 means that the cap is off. The third line is for the drain rate - the number (1, in this example) is how many half-hearts of damage the player must deal in order to lose 1 experience point. Any other line will be the maximum level that players can achieve. The rest of the lines define bonuses, they are structured in the following way:

starting level : bonus : end level

So to let the player get a bonus of 7 damage between levels 10 and 14, and a bonus of 8 damage between 15 and 19, you would do this:

10 : 7 : 14
15 : 8 : 19

As you can see, they are seperated with " : ", space-colon-space. To make a bonus that does not end at any level, use -1. For example, to let the player get a bonus of 1 damage for any level above 50, do this:

50 : 1 : -1


Make sure that your end level is not the next start level. You should be doing this:

5 : 1 : 9
10 : 2 : 14
15 : 3 : 19

(note the third number in each) and not this:

5 : 1 : 10
10 : 2 : 15
15 : 3 : 20


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