Interpreting Statistics

Interpreting Statistics


X-Ray Detective is meant to be a tool to help you find x-raying users more easily. It is not a magic crystal ball that will definitively tell you who is and is not cheating.

Do not instantly ban all of the top users on your list. Instead, we recommend you investigate each case to verify if x-raying was done.

The more advanced statistics that can assist you in more ambiguous cases of x-raying are not yet available. If you have any doubts about a user's statistics, please wait for a future version before banning the user.

Here are some tips to help you interpret the information that X-Ray Detective gives you.

[Ore to Stone Ratio]

How often do users discover ores? This value is calculated by making a simple count of ores broken and stone broken (under a depth of 50, which is always underground)

Note: Statistics are calculated per world, so a user that only mines in one world may not be listed in the world you normally look at.

Red & Dark Red

A ratio which is color coded Red or Dark Red is almost always an x-rayer.

However, there are a couple possible alternative explanations.

  • The user is new, and has not broken enough stones to have accurate statistics. We recommend you keep the Stones Broken filter to at least 500 to ensure fair and accurate statistics. A higher value will produce more accurate results.
  • The user only mines ores that are visible in caves. This produces an unusually high ratio, which may appear as x-raying. Note: This may also indicate use of an x-ray texture pack, however the more advanced statistics to help you determine if this is the case are not yet available.
  • X-Ray Detective's sensitivity settings are too strong for this ore type. The settings which determine which ratios are colored which were based on the statistics from my own server. It is possible that your server may have very different averages.


A ratio which is marked with this color is on the fringe of being marked as an x-rayer. This user has a suspiciously high ratio, but it must be investigated closely to ensure that the user has actually been x-raying.


A ratio which is marked with this color is on the high end of normal ratios. They are probably NOT an x-rayer.

Green, Teal, Blue

A ratio marked as any of these colors is completely normal. These users are definitely NOT x-raying...

[Advanced Statistics]

More information on these statistics will come soon. They are not included in the current version.

[Using LogBlock To Investigate Further]

Any good server administrator will not just ban a user because some silly script tells them to. X-Ray Detective provides you with additional information that may help you find cheaters, but should not be the only source of information.

Use your judgement and weigh the information at your disposal accordingly.

Here are some common LogBlock commands you can use on your server to investigate a players' mines first-hand.

First, if your server has multiple worlds, go to the world that the player was mining in where you would like to investigate the mines.

  • /lb lookup coords block 56 player PLAYERNAME

This will return a list of all diamond ores broken by the player in question in the current world. To look for other ores, replace 56 with the appropriate item id. (gold = 14, iron = 15, lapis = 25, mossy cobblestone = 48)

Take note of how many total blocks were found when you executed that command, we'll use that number later.

  • /lb tp 1
  • /lb tp 2
  • /lb tp 5
  • /lb tp 10

Each time you increase the number in the command above, you will be teleported to a location where the player destroyed diamond ore. Sometimes, it may not teleport you properly if it can't find a safe spot to send you, so you'll just need to use a different number. You can repeat this command by increasing the number up as long as it is less than the total number of diamond ore broken, which we found earlier.

Note: If you use the wooden pickaxe tool to check out who broke/placed what, you will need to execute the '/lb lookup' command above again before you can use '/lb tp #'. The wooden pickaxe tool will clear your list that you're investigating.


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