
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

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Protects your wolves and cats and horses from harm!

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(formerly WolfProtect)



Protects your dear pet from being killed by another player, or by walking off a cliff for instance. You can customize everything yourself!

What does it do

  • Automatically gives wolves and cats and horses a nice display name (configurable!)
  • Protects wolves and cats and horses from other players (permission-based)
  • Protects wolves and cats and horses from common damage types, such as drowning, falling, suffocation, etc. (configurable!)
  • Protects players from tamed wolf attacks (permission-based)
  • Protects players from being attacked by tamed horses (permissions-based)
  • Prevents players from riding other people's horses (permission-based)
  • Prevents players from open other people's horses' inventories (permission-based)
  • Prevents players from dying other people's wolves (permission-based)
  • All messages are configurable
  • You can reassign pets to a new owner


petprotect.harm.wolf.ownHarm your own wolvesdefault: true
petprotect.harm.wolf.otherHarm wolves of other playersdefault: op
petprotect.dye.wolf.ownDye your own wolvesdefault: true
petprotect.dye.wolf.otherDye wolves of other playersdefault: op your own catsdefault: true cats of other playersdefault: op your own horsesdefault: true horses of other playersdefault: op horses of other playersdefault: op inventories of horses of other playersdefault: op
petprotect.bites.safeNever be harmed by wolves of other playersdefault: false
petprotect.stamping.safeNever be harmed by horses of other playersdefault: false
petprotect.reassign.otherReassign pets to a new ownerdefault: op

The configuration has help and is very self-explanatory.


/reassign <name>Reassign a pet to the player with the given name

Dev builds

Submit suggestions and bugs here!!


This plugin uses MCStats to collect information about plugin usage. Of course, this is strictly anonymous, and you can easily opt out via plugins/PluginMetrics/config.yml. The NSA isn't watching your server ;) You can of course see for yourself what data is collected on the MCStats site, just the basic stuff: how many servers, how many players, which Bukkit version, etc.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Feb 5, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Jan 14, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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