Who Regeneration


What it is

Let you and your players have the ability to regenerate just like the Time Lords from Doctor Who Regeneration Effect When someone would die, if they have the permission and they're cool-down is up (if they had previously regenerated) then they would regenerate with full health. When they regenerate, the mod-spawner flame particles surround them then they slowly float up into the air, an explosion occurs and they fall back down with full health. The cool-down then starts for when they can regenerate again.

My Other Doctor Who Plugins

Weeping Angels, TARDIS, Vortex Manipulator, Sonic Screwdriver


  • Regen:
    • on - turns regeneration on
    • off - turn regeneration off
    • status - tells you if you have regeneration on or off
  • whoregenerate - shows the usage of the regen commands


Who.Regenerate - Allows Players to regenerate


  • Partical:
    • Intensity - The amount of times the mob spawner flame effect is played at every position; 0 for off; can't be a decimal
    • Interval - the interval the mod spawner flame effect is played from the bottom to the top; 1 is every block, .5 is every half block, etc...; Can be a decimal
    • Height - the height in blocks below and above the player that the mob spawner flame effect will be played; can be a decimal
  • Explosion:
    • Use - true = use the explosion, false = don't use the explosion
    • Ignite Blocks - whether or not to have the chance to ignite surrounding blocks; true or false
    • Power - the power of the explosion; 4 is the same as TNT; 0 will not destroy blocks or harm surrounding entities; can be a decimal
  • Regeneration Cooldown - the amount of time in minutes it takes to be able to regenerate another time after a player dies; can be a decimal; eg. 1.5 == 1 minute 30 seconds; If you don't wan't a cool-down then just set it to zero.
  • Buffs - Potion effects to add after regeneration. To disable take everything out of it but still have the path there or turn the default buffs into something else that doesn't exist or is in the wrong format

To Do

  • Add the ability for people to regenerate to change to a random skin through Spout, currently waiting on one of my friends to make me a skin of all of the doctor's different regeneration. If anyone has any good ones that they would let me use please post a link to them
  • Anyone have any suggestions?

Known Bugs

  • If anyone finds any please create a ticket for it


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Sep 22, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Nov 20, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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