
Configuration - Commands - Permissions

This applies to WGPFix 1.1.1 and above.

Commands :

  • /wgpfix reload
    This reloads the settings from the configuration file.
    Permission: wgpfix.reload

Commands added in 1.3.0:

  • /wgpfix panic
    Disable pistons completely. This overrides any monitor-pistons settings.
    Permission: wgpfix.panic.enable
  • /wgpfix nopanic
    Allow pistons in general. This overrides any monitor-pistons settings.
    Permission: wgpfix.panic.disable
  • /wgpfix monitor
    Same as setting monitor-pistons to true in the configuration.
    Permission: wgpfix.monitor.enable
  • /wgpfix nomonitor
    Same as setting monitor-pistons to false in the configuration.
    Permission: wgpfix.monitor.disable

The commands added in 1.3.0 do not change the configuration files, thus after reloading the content of the configuration file counts!
All permission checks are delegated to WorldGuard which decides about details of op-permissions and such.

Configuration entries with default values:

  • monitor-pistons: true
    If set to false no checks will be performed by WGPFix.
  • pop-disallowed: false
    This will pop pistons out of the ground, that are prevented from retracting or extending.
  • prevent-nonsticky-retract: false
    This should have little effect, but it prevents non-sticky pistons from retracting for the same conditions for affected blocks as with extending. Usually this has no significance, because the piston could be destroyed from the other region, potentially, having the same effect as ewith retracting.
  • set-worldguard-interval: 4000
    Probably obsolete, this is the interval in milliseconds at which WGPFix will force to check for the WorldGuardPlugin and get it. In fact WGPFix does now recognize if WorldGuard enables or disables and adjusts accordingly. Best should be to keep this value.

Since 1.2.0:

  • deny-blocks.all: []
    List of block-ids to prevent from being affected by any kind of piston.
  • deny-blocks.sticky: []
    List of block-ids to prevent from being affected by sticky pistons (the entries of "all" are added here anyway).

Since 1.3.0:

  • panic: false
    Disables pistons completely - this does override the monitor-pistons setting.
  • max-blocks: 14
    Maximal blocks that a piston can have to do with. This includes the piston base block and all pushed or pulled blocks, as well as the block a block is pushed onto. A block that can not be pulled by a sticky piston like a pumpkin would also be counted in.
    Setting this below 2 should deactivate pistons, however the panic setting should be more certain and tested for such purpose.

Since 1.4.0:

  • monitor-structure-growth: false
    Apply the same chacks as with pistons to structure-growth, i.e. trees and giant mushrooms - these checks are DISABLED BY DEFAULT, you have to set the flag to true explicitely to activate them.

Default configuration (1.4.0):

monitor-structure-growth: false
panic: false
prevent-nonsticky-retract: false
    sticky: []
    all: []
set-worldguard-interval: 4000
max-blocks: 14
pop-disallowed: false
monitor-pistons: true

(Compatible with 1.3.0)


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