
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.


What is WeedKiller?

WeedKiller allows server owners to keep tabs on players on their servers, and allows simple yet effective ranking of players. All of WeedKiller's player-management commands use the ranking system, so Staff members can only execute commands against players who are of a lower rank to them.

How will it benefit my server?

By using WeedKiller, you are using a player management plugin that can adapt to fit your server perfectly and can enforce a multi-layered authorization system which requires no setup.

How does the ranking system work?

The ranking system is based upon a basic numerical system, which allows for ten customizable rank levels. By default, all players are Level 0, and you can set the rank of a player all the way up to Level 9. The Console is Level 10 and can execute player management commands against any user on the server. To set a player's rank, you use the /setrank command:

/setrank NewPlayer1 5

Player ranks are stored in text files in the plugin folder, but editing them directly is not recommended.

The 10 levels of ranks are there for you to choose from - you don't have to use them all. You might have a Staff setup which only requires four levels, so you only use levels 6, 7, 8 and 9 (I recommend you use the highest levels possible so you can't accidentally give someone complete power over your entire Staff hierarchy)

Commands and Permissions

WeedKiller consists of a few simple commands:

/ban <player> [reason...]
Disconnects a player from the server and prevents them from logging in again. Reason is optional.
/kick <player> [reason...]
Disconnects a player from the server. Reason is optional.
/mute <player>
Prevents a player from speaking. Lasts until unmuted.
/freeze <player>
Prevents a player from moving. Lasts until unfrozen.

The commands /mute, /freeze and /ban are toggle commands, meaning you run them once to mute, freeze or ban someone, and you run them again to unmute, unfreeze or unban someone.

/setrank <player> <rank>
Allows you to set the rank of a player. Valid ranks are 0-9

Upcoming Features

WeedKiller is obviously nowhere near complete, and there are a number of features I would like to add in the future, including:

  1. Jailing
  2. Infraction recording system (A kind of Criminal Record)
  3. An In-Game Ticket system
  4. An external database storing all infractions on accepted servers for players, so you can see what they have been up to elsewhere

Issues and Suggestions

If you have any issues with the plugin, click the 'Tickets' tab at the top of the page and submit a ticket using the GitHub issue tracker - DO NOT post it in the comments. I will probably ignore it if you do.

The same goes for suggestions. Go to the GitHub issue tracker and use the 'suggestions' tag.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Dec 30, 2013
  • Last Released File
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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