Waypoint Fast Travel

What is Fast Travel?

This plugin allows you to define fast travel locations that players must discover before being able to travel there. This forces players to explore the world to try and find these locations so that they are able to travel around quicker. It is a small, simple to use plugin. Each location can be configured to set how far the player has to be from the actual location to discover the fast travel location. If you have an economy plugin which uses Vault enabled on your server, you can set a price for teleporting between each of the locations. You can also set how long the player has to stand still before being teleported to stop them abusing this system in PvP situations.


  • /ftwaypoint <add/remove> <name> - Add or remove a new waypoint
  • /ft [name] - Fast travels to the location if it has been discovered (If no name is specified it will list the discovered locations)


  • fastravel.waypoint.create - Allows player to create waypoints (Default OP)
  • fastravel.waypoint.remove - Allows player to remove waypoints (Default OP)
  • fasttravel.ftall - Gives player access to all waypoints (Default false)


Below is an example of what you will see in the waypoints.yml file once you have setup a waypoint:

Waypoint 3:
Name: test - The Name of the way point
World: world - The world in which the way point is situated
X: -36.267618533559684 - X-Coordinate of the Way point
Y: 65.0 - Y-Coordinate of the Way point
Z: 274.3021744162101 - Z-Coordinate of the way point
Distance: 10 - Max distance the player has to be from the waypoint to discover it.
Price: 20 - The cost of teleporting to this waypoint (with vault installed)
Discovered: - A list of users who have discovered this waypoint, it is possible to manually remove people from these lists.
- multidude1111

All of these features can be configured seperatly for each waypoint meaning you can easily make each waypoint different.

Planned Features

  • Paying with items.
  • Send message to console when there is an update avaliable.
  • GUI to display waypoints

Source Code: Github

This page will be updated when there are changes (and when I can find someone willing to jazz it up a bit :D). If you have any questions ask them in the comments below. I know there are a couple of plugins out there that do similar things but they are mostly outdated. I wanted to create one that would be updated more often so that more and more features could be implemented.


We are now using Metrics to gather stats about the plugin so that we are able to provide interesting information and also learn how we can change the plugin to benefit you guys. You can opt-out from tracking in plugins/PluginMetrics/config.yml

You can check out the graphs and charts produced from these metrics Here

If you have any bugs to report please do so using the ticket system


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Apr 14, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Apr 17, 2015
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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