
  Autoupdater: true //Do you want to stay up 2 date?
  Firework: true //Should launch a firework when a player was warned?
  Broadcast: true //Should it be broadcasted when a player was warned?
  Inform: true //Do you want to be Informed when a warned player joins?
  Timer: //
    use: false //Do you want to use the timer?
    Time: '5' //The timer a player have to be on before a warn will be taken (he doesnt have to be on the full time.)
    Type: m //which type? you can use m/h/d -> m = minutes/h=hours/d=days. If you change the type during a timer is running then may appear an bug.
    '2': kick <player>
    '10': ban <player>
    //Here you can define what should happen when a player reached a certain amount of warns. Here are 2 examples. When a player reached 2 warn he will be kicked and when he reached 10 warn he will be banned. Ofcourse you can change it and you can execute every command.<player> will be replaced with the player who was warned. Just use the right Syntax: 'Number': <command>
  Ignore: '' //Here are all Players which should be ignored. Use the command /ignorewarn <player>
Player: //here are all players which were ever warned.
    warn: 1
      '1': 'lol '
    Time: 0.06375 //thats the time a player was already online


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