How To Vote

Here is how a standard vote is happening:

Player Voter wants to ban Target, so he types:

/banvote Target he's greifing! The server announces the starting of a ban vote:

[BanVote] A vote has been opened to ban Target.
[BanVote] Because: Reason
[BanVote] Say /vote yes to vote for, /vote no to vote against.

The amount of time will pass that is located in config.yml file.
Then the server will tally up the yes votes and the no votes.

Senario 1

Let's assume in the config.yml file the no votes are worth 2 and the yes votes are worth 1.
3 People Voted No: 3*2 = 6 No Votes
7 People Voted Yes 7*1 = 7 Yes Votes

This person is banned.

Senario 2

Let's assume in the config.yml file the no votes are worth 1 and the yes votes are worth 1.
3 People Voted No: 3*1 = 3 No Votes
3 People Voted Yes: 3*1 = 3 Yes Votes

The targer is spaired because it was a draw


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