
  mysql: false  
  path-2-sqllitedb: 'jdbc:sqlite:plugins/VoteRanks/VoteRanks.db'
  mysql-user: 'VoteRanks'
  mysql-password: 'VoteRanks'
  mysql-database-url: 'jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/VoteRanks'
  debug-mode: false
  broadcast-rank-change: true
  use-sidebar-4-votelist: true  
  use-chat-4-votelist: false
  use-chat-4-votes: false
  use-sidebar-4-votes: true
  show-votes-on-tab: false
  sidebar-show-time-seconds: 10
  auto-db-reset: false
  auto-db-reset-time-days: 30 
  command_vote: true
  rank-change-msg: '&6<player> &a went up a ranking vote! (<rank>)'
  votelist-header: '&4--- The &6<size> &4best voters! ---'
  votelist-place-format: '&6Rank: <rank>, Player <player> with <votes> votes!'
  votes-see-format-more-than-one: '&aYou are place <rank> with <votes> votes including <same rank> other players!'
  votes-see-format: '&aYou are place <rank> with <votes> votes!'
  votes-see-format-others: '&a<player> has place <rank> with <votes> votes!'
  votes-see-format-others-more-than-one: '&a<player> has place <rank> with <votes> votes including <same rank> other player!'
  votes-player-not-found: '&4<player> was not found!'
  setvotes-not-int: '&4Please add a number!'
  setvotes-2less-para: '&4/setvotes Player Amount'
  setvotes-success: '&a<player> has now <votes> votes!'
  clearvotes-sure: '&a Are you sure to do that?'
  clearvotes-deny: '&a Clearing aborted!'
  clearvotes-working: '&aDeleting all database-records ...'
  clearvotes-done: '&aAll records deleted!'  
  sidebar-votelist-header: '&4The &6<size> &4best voters!'
  sidebar-rank-name: '&6Rank:'
  sidebar-votes-name: '&6Votes:'
  sidebar-same-rank-name: '&6Other User:'
  - 'votes=1;Message=Your first vote;broadcast=<player> has 1 vote;Give=264,1'
  - 'votes=10;Message=10 votes! well-done!;broadcast=<player> has 10 votes'
  - 'votes=50;Message=Keep it up and you will be vote-king!;broadcast=<player> has 50 votes'
  - 'votes=100;Message=Good-work,from now on you are unofficial vote-king!;broadcast=<player> has 100 votes'
  - '[BLUE]'
  - '[BLUE]'
  - '[BLUE]'


Posts Quoted:
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