
#Frequency for ruin spawns(This it out of 300).
#For example, if you put 200/300, there would be a 2/3 chance of spawning a ruin in each chunk.
ruin-frequency: 20
ruins-enabled: true

#Is glowstone enabled?
glowstone-enabled: true

#Are ores enabled?
ores-enabled: true

#Shroom forests
shrooms-enabled: true

#the chance out of 100 that a shroom will spawn when the chunk gens.
shroom-spawn-chance: 75
min-shrooms-per-chunk: 0
max-shrooms-per-chunk: 7

#Says if shrooms can be planted ontop of each other
derpy-shrooms: true

#This defines the max radius that a circle of netherwart can be.
max-netherwart-circle-radius: 3

#Is netherwart enabled?
netherwart-enabled: true

#Don't screw with this section unless you know what your doing.
scale: 35.0
threshold: 0.0

#Ruin chests & blaze spawners
#This is the chance out of 100 that a blaze spawner will spawn with the ruins
blaze-spawner-chance: 10
chest-spawn-chance: 45
max-itemtypes-per-chest: 3

#Possible items to be held in the chests.
#Format is as follows: itemid,amount,rarity %. Note, this can go past 100%.
 - 348,20,5
 - 89,5,5
 - 377,5,5
 - 378,2,5
 - 112,20,20
 - 1,64,70
 - 260,5,50


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