

Viruses is a revolutionary plugin that alters how players will act in high population areas. Viruses can be caught from animals or be randomly mutated. When a player catches a virus, he or she will get the nausea effect randomly and other effects specific to the virus. Players can be cured by visiting a doctor(Player with the permission) can cure them with the specific medicine or a generic but weak medicine.

Viruses are spread when a player sneezes or coughs. Sneezes transmit to other players easier. Players that are in the sick player's range of a cone shaped 3 meter area will have a chance of being sick.

There is also a unknown virus that can mutate rarely. It can not be cured by generic medicine but must be discovered by a researcher(Player with the viruses.researcher permission). A sample of the virus must be collected by a doctor and fuel must be added also. The machine will be started by the researcher. It will take a random amount(configurable) of Minecraft days for it to be discovered. When it is done, there will be a book with the crafting recipe for the medicine. The virus is now discovered and medicine can be given to players. Below are the various types of viruses, items, and the research machine.

Swine Flu

  • Will turn the player in to a pig after a while
  • Randomly caught when around pigs
  • Medicine recipe:

Pig Medicine

Unknown Virus

  • Who knows what it does? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • Invincible to generic medicine
  • Must be researched

Generic Medicine

  • Stops symptoms for 10 minutes(12000 ticks)
  • Small chance to cure

WARNING This plugin is still in development and can break easily. Features are missing and bugs are present!

Current Alpha Version Features

  • Swine flu and Unknown virus(They do not do anything!!)
  • Viruses are transmittable

This plugin will not receive updates often until June, as i have final and stuff at school.


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