

Configuration is pretty straight forward, but here's a rehash for those who mightn't understand.

# If True, all debugging messages will be enabled.
debug: false
# What worlds to use the Villages plugin in.
- SoftEggLand
- SoftEggLand_nether
- SoftEggLand_the_end
# MySQL Server Settings
  use: false
  host: localhost
  port: '3306'
  username: root
  password: password
  database: minecraft
  prefix: Villages
# Colors and Other chat things to use with the plugin.
  default: '&7'
  important: '&9'
  error: '&c'
    chat: true
    messages: '&9[&7Villages&9]'
    village: '&9[&7%v%&9]'
    wilderness: Wilderness
    friend: '&a'
    foe: '&4'
# Various Protection settings for inside the Wilderness and/or Villages
      use: true
      break: false
      place: false
      mine: false
      tnt: false
      use: true
      break: true
      place: true
      mine: true
      tnt: false
      samevillage: false
      differentvillage: true
      notinvillage: false
      samevillage: false
      differentvillage: true
      notinvillage: false
      Creeper: true
      Skeleton: true
      Spider: true
      Creeper: true
      Skeleton: true
      Spider: true
  # Note! this are Players Attacking mobs, true to disable, false to enable
      CREEPER: true
      SKELETON: true
      SPIDER: true
      CREEPER: false
      SKELETON: false
      SPIDER: false
# Additional Plugin Hooking Features such as 
# WorldGuard region checking and TagAPI Player names.
  worldguard: true
  tagapi: true
  herochat: true
  vault: true
# Other Villages Features
    topvillages: true
    villagemembers: true
    taxday: true
  cyclespeed: 60
    item: true
    money: true
  plots: true
  updates: true
    # Swap between CHUNK for Per-Chunk Claiming, and 
    # CLASSIC for Classic Chunk Claiming
    method: CHUNK
  # Enable Plugin load GUI Screen
  guiscreen: true
  # Various Command Aliases (make the commands shorter)
    - v
    - town
    - city
  #Use Larger maps (everything is scaled down half size)
  largemaps: false
# Set various costs
  createvillage: 1000
  expandvillage: 100
# What Money will be refunded from certain things
  closevillage: 500
  closevillageperchunk: 50
# Various Messages that can be used.
    wilderness: Wilderness
    youenter: true
    friendlyenters: false
    othervillage: false
    wilderness: false
    youenter: true
    friendlyenters: false
    othervillage: false
    wilderness: false
# Commands to be run, and when to run them.
    - say Please Change this command in the config.yml file.
    - say Please Change this command in the config.yml file.
    - say Please Change this command in the config.yml file.
    - say Please Change this command in the config.yml file.
    - say Please Change this command in the config.yml file.


Messages YML is generated on first run, it can be left as is for standard users, but may be altered for a different language or different colors. Messages can contain the following formatting characters:

  • %d% - Use the Default color (as defined in config.yml)
  • %i% - Use the Important color (as defined in config.yml)
  • %e% - Use the Error color (as defined in config.yml)
  • %n% and %x% - Used as an amount (for things that involve economy or chunk expanding)
  • %p% - Indicates a players name
  • %v% - Indicates a Village name
  • %r% and %p% - Indicates a Region and Plot
  • %t% - Name of Tax

Default messages:

alreadyinvillage: '%e%You are already in a Village.'
cantattackdifferentvillage: '%e%Cannot attack players who are in a different village
  to you.'
cantattacksamevillage: '%e%Cannot attack players who are in the same village as you.'
cantattackwilderness: '%e%Cannot attack players who aren''t in a village.'
cantcontinueitems: '%e%The village doesn''t have the necessary items to continue!'
cantcontinuemoney: '%e%The village doesn''t have enough money to continue!'
cantexpandborder: '%e%Can''t expand this region, it doesn''t border your Village.'
cantfindtax: '%e%Can''t find a tax by that name.'
cantfindvillage: '%e%Couldn''t find Village.'
cantkickmayor: '%e%You cannot kick the mayor of the Village.'
cantshrinknotpart: '%e%Can''t unclaim this region, it''s not part of the Village.'
cantshrinkspawn: '%e%Can''t unclaim the Village spawn.'
chunkavailable: |-
  %d%This chunk is available!
  Prce: %i%%x%
chunkclaimed: '%d%The %i%Mayor %d%has claimed %i%%r%%d% for you.'
chunkclaimedbyplayer: '%e%This plot is claimed by another player.'
chunknotowned: '%e%You don''t own this plot.'
claimedchunk: '%d%Claimed %r%!'
claimedchunkinfo: '%i%%p% %d%has claimed this plot.'
closevillagenotmayor: '%e%You cannot close the Village, you are not the mayor.'
createdvillage: '%i%%p% %d%created the Village %i%%v%%d%!'
createvillageoverlap: '%e%You can''t create a Village here, it overlaps another Village.'
createvillageregionoverlap: '%e%Can''t create village here, it overlaps a region.'
deniedinvite: '%i%Denied the Village invite.'
depositedmoney: '%i%%p% %d%deposited %i%%x% %d%into the Village Bank.'
economydisabled: '%e%The server has Economy disabled.'
enteramount: '%e%Please enter an amount to deposit into the bank.'
enteramt: '%e%Please enter a number.'
enterdescription: '%e%Please enter a description.'
enterkickname: '%e%Enter the name of the player to kick.'
entermessage: '%e%Please enter a message.'
enterplayer: '%e%Please enter a player name.'
entervillagename: '%e%Please enter a Village name.'
enterwilderness: '%d%You are now in the %i%Wilderness%d%.'
error: '%e%An Error occured! please contact the admin.'
expandingvillage: '%i%Expanding Village... please wait...'
expandregionoverlap: '%e%Can''t expand village, the expansion overlaps a region.'
expandvillageoverlap: '%e%You cannot expand the Village, it overlaps another Village.'
foevillageenter: Visitor %i%%p% %d%has entered the Village!
foewildernessenter: Visitor %i%%p% %d%has left the Village!
friendlyvillageenter: Resident %i%%p% %d%has entered the Village!
friendlywildernessenter: Resident %i%%p% %d%has left the Village!
goingtovillage: '%d%Going to Village spawn.'
invalidargument: '%e%Invalid argument supplied.'
invalidvillagename: '%e%Invalid Village name, name can only have letters and/or numbers.'
descriptionlong: '%e%The Description must be less than 80 characters long.'
invalidvillagedescription: '%e%New description contains an invalid symbol.'
itembankdisabled: '%e%Item banks are disabled on this server.'
joinedvillage: '%i%%p% %d%joined the village.'
leavevillagemayor: '%e%You cannot leave the Village, you are the mayor.'
leftvillage: '%i%%p% %d%left the Village'
maxofthreeexpand: '%e%You can only expand 3 chunks at a time.'
mayorkickonly: '%e%Only the mayor can kick players.'
mustbenumber: '%e%Amount must be a number.'
mustbeone: '%e%Amount must be more than zero.'
muted: '%e%You can''t do this, you''re muted.'
neednamedelete: '%e%Enter a Village name to delete.'
needvillagename: '%e%Please provide a Village name.'
newdescription: '%i%The new Village description is: %d%%x%'
newmayor: The Village has a new Mayor! %i%Mayor %p%%d%!
newmayorname: '%e%Please enter the name of the new Mayor.'
nexttaxday: The next tax day for %i%%tax% %d%is in %i%%date%%d%.
nointeract: '%e%You cannot interact here.'
noinvite: '%e%You haven''t received an invite.'
nopermission: '%e%You don''t have permission for this.'
notaxes: There are no taxes!
notenougharguments: '%e%Not enough arguments.'
notenoughmoney: '%e%You don''t have %x%.'
notinthisworld: '%e%You can''t do that in this world!'
notinvillage: '%e%You aren''t in a Village.'
notmayordescription: '%e%Only the mayor can change the Village description'
notmoney: '%e%The entered number was not a valid amount of money.'
notplot: '%e%This plot doesn''t have a price set!'
notresident: '%e%%p% isn''t a resident of the Village.'
onlymayor: '%e%Only the Mayor can do this.'
onlymayorbank: '%e%Only the mayor can edit the village bank.'
onlymayorexpand: '%e%Only the mayor can expand the Village.'
onlymayorshrink: '%e%Only the mayor can shrink the Village.'
onlymayorexplode: '%e%Only the mayor can explode the Village.'
onlymayorplot: '%e%Only the mayor can edit plots.'
onlymayorsetmayor: '%e%Only the Mayor can elect the new Mayor.'
playeraddedtovillage: Added %i%%p%%d% to %i%%v%%d%!
playeralreadymayor: '%e%This player is already the Mayor of this Village.'
playerdifferentvillage: '%e%This Player is in a different Village.'
playerinvillage: '%e%%p% is already in a Village.'
playernotfound: '%e%Couldn''t find that player!'
playernotinvillage: '%e%This Player is not in a Village.'
playeronly: '%e%Only players can do this.'
playerremovedfromvillage: Removed %i%%p%%d% from %i%%v%%d%!
playersetmayor: Made %i%%p%%d% is now the Mayor of %i%%v%%d%!
playervillage: '%d%Player %i%%p%%d% is in Village %i%%v%%d%.'
plotnotinvillage: '%e%This plot is not in the Village.'
plotsnotenabled: '%e%Plots are not enabled on this server.'
residentinvited: '%i%%p% %d%was invited to the Village.'
residentkicked: '%i%%p% %d%was kicked from the Village.'
residentslist: '&c= &9Village Members &c='
setplotowner: '%d%Set the plot owner as %i%%p%'
setplotprice: '%d%Set the plot price to %i%%x%'
setvillagespawn: Set the new spawn at %i%%r%%d%!
taxinfo: '%i%Information about %t%:'
taxdayfail: The Village %i%%v%%d% couldn't pay the tax man!
taxes: '%i%Taxes, type /%x% tax check [name] for more info.'
taxeslist: '&c= &eTaxes Due &c='
taxeslistnotvillage: No Taxes.
notaxfound: '%e%Couldn''t find the tax by that name.'
topvillages: '%i%The top %x% Villages are:'
topvillageslist: ' &c= &6Top Villages &c= '
villagebankneedmore: '%e%You don''t have enough money in the Village bank! You need
  %x% to do this.'
villageclosed: '%d%The Village %i%%v% %d%fell into Anarchy!'
villagedelete: '%d%Deleted the village %i%%v%%d%!'
villagedoesntexist: '%e%Village doesn''t exist.'
villageexpanded: '%d%The Village was expanded %i%%x% %d%region(s).'
villageexplodeconfirm: '%e%Type /village mayor explode YES if you''re sure you want
  to explode the Village.'
villageexploded: '%i%The Village was Exploded!'
villageinvite: "%i%%p% %d%has invited you to join %i%%v%%d%,\n\tType /accept to Accept\n\
  \tType /deny to Decline"
villagenamechaned: New Village name is now %i%%v%%d%!
villagenameused: '%e%This Village name is already in use or is reserved.'
villages: '%i%Villages: %d%%x%'
villageshrunk: Unlcaimed %i%%x% Regions%d% from the Village.
welcomevillage: ''
wildernessvillageneter: Traveller %i%%p% %d%has entered the Village!
wildernesswildernessneter: Traveller %i%%p% %d%left the Village and entered the Wilderness!
withdrawledmoney: '%i%%p% %d%withdrew %i%%x% %d%from the Village Bank.'
showingborder: '%e%Now showing Village borders.'
hidingborder: '%e%No longer showing Village borders.'


The admins can setup (multiple) upkeep charges for villages (like taxes) that the village must have in order to survive.

# This YML file contains all the configuration for how much a village has to pay
# To maintain for each day, month year etc. Visit
# For more information about how to configure this YML file.
  message: '&eTax man has visited!'
  hours: 24
  money: 100.0
    type: player
    amount: 2.0
  - '{size:"20"},{id:"5"}'
  - '{size:"10"},{id:"17"}{data:"3"}'
  • maintax: The name of the tax
  • message: Message to get displayed to villages
  • hours: How often to charge village
  • money: Money to charge village
  • multiplier: Set multipliers based on village types, set to NONE for no multiplier, CHUNK for perchunk in village, and PLAYER for Village players
  • items: Items to take from bank

Compatible Plugins

There are many compatible plugins with Villages that can help customize your Villages experience. This section will show what plugins are compatible and how to set them up.

Essentials Chat

You can hook into essentials chat to allow for showing a players Village name, simply add


Into any of your config.yml chat formats (For essentials), example:

  format: '&c[&6{GROUP}&c] &c[&6{VILLAGE}&c] &f{DISPLAYNAME}&7: &f{MESSAGE}'

Which will show in chat Something like this:

[Admin] [Wilderness] Dom: Hello World!


When using Herochat, you can use the following tag in your chat channels setup to show the Village name:



  default: '&b[&f{village}&b] &a{sender}&7: &f{msg}'

Will display like so:

[Wilderness] Dom: Hello!


This plugin hooks into PermissionsEx for better permission checking for this plugin.


This plugin also hooks into SELBans, to check for things like mutes and warnings to prevent spam and messaging from muted players.


Villages can hook into TagAPI to color player names. Player color names are relative to what Village a player is to another player. The Colors are based off the colors.players in the Villages configuration file.


Vault is essential for using Any form of economy. Simply put Vault and any economy plugin of your choice on the server and Villages will hook into it.


Villages will automatically hook into DomsCommands, check the DomsCommands Bukkit page for information about how Villages and DomsCommands interact.


Villages can hook into WorldGuard to prevent Villages being created or expanded over WorldGuard regions

More Plugin hooking options are planned and will be available soon


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