
The plugin isn't loading

You did read that this plugin requires you to have Vault and any economy plugin (e.g. Essentials) installed?

Is it running on Spigot?

It should. I'm recently testing this plugin on a Spigot server so it should work for both Bukkit and Spigot

The villager wont spawn

Remember to allow mob-spawning for this region. It may be denied by the Server itself, Essentials, WorldGuard or similar plugins.
In case you don't want to / can't enable mob-spawning try to create a 1x1x2 region around the Villager that allows spawning.
Otherwise you may try to get another plugin that is able to more dynamically control mob-spawning.

Can we haz more shop-space?

No. Sorry, but I wouldn't know how to make a good layout with more slots and stuff. And what do you want? 8 items per villager is more than any sign-shop.

Why can't I add items?

I doubt you've read the Plugin description so I don't think you'll read this...
There is a big green line in the description that sais "You have to stand at the spawn location of the shop in order to make commands work"

The command wont (partially) work

Read the previous answer

Can i offer items for less than 1 bug?

Yes. Just make sure you're using 2 digits. e.g. 0.50 or 12.25 or 0.01