Commands and Permissions

Permissions with Commands

/cvertex.creativeChanges your gamemode to creative.
/c <player>vertex.creative.otherChanges another player's gamemode to creative.
/svertex.survivalChanges your gamemode to survival.
/s <player>vertex.survival.otherChanges another player's gamemode to survival.
/avertex.adventureChanges your gamemode to adventure.
/a <player>vertex.adventure.otherChanges another player's gamemode to adventure.
/c listvertex.creative.listLists players currently in creative gamemode.
/s listvertex.survival.listLists players currently in survival gamemode.
/a listvertex.adventure.listLists players currently in adventure gamemode.
/newvertex.newClears your inventory, gives you a compass, and a wooden axe.
/new <player> another player's inventory, gives them a compass and a wooden axe.
/whovertex.whoLists the currently online players using colors set in PermissionsEx
/listvertex.listLists the currently online players using colors set in PermissionsEx
/wspawnvertex.wspawnTeleports you to the spawn of the world you are in.
/wspawn <player>vertex.wspawn.otherTeleports another player to the spawn of the world he/she is in.
/wwho <world>vertex.wwhoLists players in your current world.
/wlistvertex.wlistLists the worlds on your server.
/wtp <world>wertex.wtpTeleports you to a world.
/wtp <world> <player>vertex.wtp.otherTeleport another player to a world.
/ranksvertex.ranksDisplays the ranks on your server.
/ownersvertex.ownersShows owners of the server.
/websitevertex.websiteShows the server's website.
/regularvertex.promotionShows how a player can earn a promotion.
/vx helpvertex.helpShows Vertex Help menu.
/vx reloadvertex.reloadReloads the configuration.
/vx updatevertex.updateFetches the latest Vertex build from BukkitDev

Permissions without Commands

vertex.list.hiddenShows hidden players in the player list.
vertex.update.infoNotifies player when a new build of Vertex is released.


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