

Add customizable storages to boats and minecarts. Are you disappointed that the swamp biome didn't get picked? Well, you can get your boats with chests right here! Defaults to single chests being addable to boats and minecarts. Shift+click one with a chest to create the storage. Shift+click again to open the storage.


VehicleStorages can be configured to be created with any material, display as any item, provide different drops on the entity being destroyed, and many different sizes of inventories. You can create as many different types of storages as you'd like.


Having problems, found bugs?

If you have any issues or found some bugs, please create a ticket. But first you should check other tickets if the issue has already been reported and then check out the Discord server below to ask for help.

Note: I don't support any previous versions other than the absolute latest, so if you used an older version, update and test again.


Source code

Source code is on github, feel free to look at it, improve on it and provide feedback: If you need, you can use code from my project but please provide credits to haveric


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