UUID Limiter

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

UUID Limiter

What is UUID Limiter?

UUID Limiter stores all of your current players UUID's in a file for future use when name changes are allowed. This prevents any players who have changed their name from joining, provided they have joined at least once before name changing has been officially enabled on Mojang's side.

How do I use it?

You very simply drag and drop the jar into your plugins folder, and reload your server. It will automatically generate a config file for you which you can change the kick message. All players who join your server will get their name and UUID stored in the file.

How does it work?

Name changing is not yet possible, so what this plugin does is stores the name of the player and their ID into the file. Every time they join, this file will be checked for their UUID. If their UUID is found, it then checks their username. If the username is different then it will kick them and prevent them from joining the server until they have changed it back. If by demand they ask for it, you can simply change their name in the config and it will update instantly on the server, allowing them to join again.

How to setup the configuration

The configuration is very basic and you only have to configure one message, which is the kick message. The kick message supports the standard chat colors (&c, &b etc) and you can create a new line by placing a "\n" in the message somewhere. Use <name> for the name that's stored on the server and <oldname> for their current name.

Awesome, how can I get this?

Click the files tab at the top and work your way from there.

When should I get this?

You should download this plugin as soon as possible and get it on your server. If your server has a lot of plugins loaded, chances are it could take a month or two before all of them will be officially updated to 1.7.6 and above. At least by getting this plugin on your server you're extending your own time to update when necessary.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Apr 11, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Apr 11, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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