Rating Systems

With just two simple configurations you can make your own systems. Doesn't matter if you preffer stars-like ratings or score-based ratings.

I've created this page, because I thought it might be a bit confusing, when I tell "your own systems".
Bellow I have made some examples how you could use them.

Stars-like rating:

  min-rating: 1
  max-rating: 5

People will now have to rate the server with minimal 1 star and maximal 5 stars. Just change the messages bellow "customMessages" to your liking so it will print "stars" or "*" in the chat.

Score-based rating:

  min-rating: 0
  max-rating: 10

People will now have to rate the server with minimal 0 points and maximal 100 points. Just change the messages bellow "customMessages" to your liking so it will print "points" in the chat.

Percentage rating:

  min-rating: 0
  max-rating: 100

People will now have to rate the server with minimal 0% and maximal 100%. Just change the messages bellow "customMessages" to your liking so it will print % in the chat.

I hope I could explain what I mean by your own systems, there are many more ways how you can use it. Good luck, may the people like your servers!


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