Uptime Checker

UptimeChecker is a plugin that checks all of Mojang's service statuses (http://help.mojang.com/) and outputs a message in the console if any of Mojang's servers (related to Minecraft) are offline, and sends a broadcast if Login, Skins or Website servers are offline. It pings the server based on the user specified interval. It also lets the user choose whether or not a message should be broadcasted when all servers are up at every ping.

The plugin now uses http://xpaw.ru/mcstatus/ instead of http://status.mojang.com/check because it is more reliable as the plugin receives service status of mojang servers even if mojang's website is down.

Config File

Interval: this field is the time interval (in minutes) between pings to Mojang's servers. The minimum it can go to is 1 minutes. Anything lesser and it automatically changes the interval to 1.

Broadcast: This field is used to allow or deny permission to broadcast if Minecraft login and skin servers are online every time they are pinged. type yes to allow and no to deny.


There are no commands as of now. The plugin is fully automated. A command will be added in a later update to check server status.

Here is an example of how the plugin works: When login servers are Down: console in game

When all servers are up:

in game up

GitHub link for the plugin will be added soon.

This plugin is licensed under CC Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International

In very basic terms, Do whatever you want with the code of this plugin, as long as you give credits to the author and/or the plugin itself.

Please leave a comment and tell us what you think of it. We would greatly appreciate it.

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