general-info/Configuration File

This is the default configuration file (config.yml) for the plugin. If your configuration file is missing one of these options (probably due to a plugin update), please add them in. If not, the plugin will take these default values.

    autoUpdate: true #Auto-update the plugin
    cleanupOnDisable: true #Upon server reload/disable, remove all tables and return money
    disableCommandsWhilePlaying: false
    preventMovementOutsideChatRange: true
    enableLog: false #log.txt in /UltimateCards/ folder
    dateFormat: 'dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss'
    displayTag: true #[UC] tag in front of every message
    #Custimize message colors
    colorTag: '&1'
    colorNormalMessage: '&f'
    colorErrorMessage: '&c'
    colorHighlight: '&6'
  generalDefaults: #Upon creating any table, these will be the default settings
    allowRebuys: true
    displayTurnsPublicly: false
    autoStart: 0
    minBuy: 0
    maxBuy: 100000
    publicChatRange: 30
    turnSeconds: 60
    autoKickOnLeave: false
  poker: #Upon creating a poker table, these will be the default settings
    fixRake: -1  #-1 allows players to set the rake, 0 or positive numbers fix the rake to that amount (players won't be able to change it)
      minRaiseIsAlwaysBB: true #If true, the min-raise will simply be the big blind
      sb: 500
      bb: 1000
      ante: 0
      dynamicFrequency: 0
      rake: 0.05
      minRaise: 200
  blackjack: #Upon creating a blackjack table, these will be the default settings
      allowDoubleDown: true
      minBet: 100
      amountOfDecks: 5

The plugin also comes with a default tables.yml file. This file specifies saved tables. EDIT THIS FILE BEFORE USING THE PLUGIN

    gameType: poker
    owner: "SomeAccount" #Rake from every hand (if enabled) will be deposited into SomeAccount's money account
    location: ["world",0,0,0]
        allowRebuys: true
        displayTurnsPublicly: false
        autoStart: 0
        turnSeconds: 60
        minRaiseIsAlwaysBB: true
        minBuy: 0
        maxBuy: 100000
        sb: 500
        bb: 1000
        ante: 0
        dynamicFrequency: 0
        rake: 0.05
        minRaise: 200
        autoKickOnLeave: true
    gameType: bj
    owner: "SomeAccount" #All dealer winnings will be deposited into SomeAccount's money account, leave as '' (blank, two single apostrophes) for the server to gain all winnings.
    location: ["world",100,0,100]
        allowRebuys: true
        displayTurnsPublicly: false
        autoStart: 0
        turnSeconds: 60
        allowDoubleDown: true
        minBet: 100
        amountOfDecks: 5
        autoKickOnLeave: false


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