
Options (config.yml):
- "devtag" - When the developers of TSGMod log onto a server, it shows a tag in their name, for debug reasons, if you don't like this, set it to false
- "award_prizes" - Toggles whether or not to award prizes for winning the games
- "clearplayerinventory" - Toggles whether the inventory should be cleared when entering the games (all clears are restored when the games end)
- "can_build" - Toggles the player's ability to break blocks while in the games
- "build_walls" - toggles whether the glass walls are built or not, if they lag your server (game border still applies)
- "immune_period" - amount of time the players are immune, allows them to prepare and get items
- "arena_size" - small, medium, or large - self descriptive
- "use_economy" - if you have an economy plugin installed, but don't want to use it set this to false
- "sponsor_money_item" - if no economy is used, this item is used as currency to sponsor
- "sponsor_cost_multiplier" - a general multiplier for sponsoring, can be above or below 1
- "currency_name" - what your currency should be called
- "team_mode" - whether or not to use teams
- "allowed_sponsor_items" - items that sponsors can send to players, with additional modifiers to make some more or less expensive


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