Commands and Permissions

/timc setlobbyspawn <ArenaID>timc.setlobbyspawnSet the Lobbyspawn of your arena
/timc setgamespawn <ArenaID>timc.setgamespawnSet the Gamespawn of your arena.
/timc setbackspawn <ArenaID>timc.setbackspawnSet the Backspawn of your arena.
/timc enable <ArenaID>timc.enableEnable an arena.
/timc disable <ArenaID>timc.disableDisable an arena.
/timc reloadtimc.reloadReload the config.yml and players.aml.
/timc start <ArenaID>timc.startStart a game.
/timc stop <ArenaID>timc.stopStop a game.
/timc hubtimc.hubLeave a game.
/timc tpadd <Player> <Amount>timc.traitor.tpaddAdds to a player an amouint of traitorpasses.
/timc infotimc.infoShow actual informations of the plugin.
/timc updatetimc.updateUpdate the oplugin to newest version.
/traitortimc.traitorUse a traitorpass for the next game.
/traitorshoptimc.traitor.shopShow the traitorshop.
/timc settester <wall/lamps/button> <ArenaID>timc.settesterSend you the instruction for creating a tester.
no commandtimc.lobbysign.createPermissions to create a lobbysign.