How to Use

< . . . How to Use . . . >

  • All this information and much more is well explained in the config, spend some time reading it to learn how to correctly setup your own traps!
  • Please don't use tabs inside the config, this will broken it, use only empty spaces.

    C h e s t _ T r a p s

    This is one of the default traps from the config with some explanations:

Config LineHelp
Chest_Traps:<This is just the header, don't touch it>
Enabled:<This is the enabled traps list, traps here will be enabled in game>
- Creeper_Surprice<Trap in the Enabled list.>
Creeper_Surprice:<Trap name, you can name them as you want, no empty spaces>
Combination<This only works in small chests (27 slots), just enter the sltos you want to use, the chest starts from the slot 0 to the slot 26 >
Slot_3<The number of slot, remember, the first slot is 0, start from, the top left of the chest (like reading), IMPORTANT; non-existing slots will be treated as AIR (0:0)>
ID: 35<Simple ID of the item that must exist in this slot to activate the trap>
Data: 5<Simple Data of the item, in this example, 5 is the Lima color of the wool>
Slot_4<Same for the slot 4 of the Chest>
ID: 35<...>
Data: 5<...>
Slot_5<Same for the slot 5 of the Chest>
ID: 35<...>
Data: 5<...>
Slot_13<Same for the slot 13 of the Chest>
ID: 35<...>
Data: 5<...>
Slot_21<Same for the slot 21 of the Chest>
ID: 35<...>
Data: 5<...>
Slot_23<Same for the slot 23 of the Chest>
ID: 35<...>
Data: 5<...>
Message: '&3You have been trapped by a &aCreeper Chest Trap &3!'<The player will get this message if triggers the trap without bypass, to disable messages just remove the line, the symbols are cause i added color/format support>
Entity: CREEPER<The entity type name you want to spawn when triggering the trap, check the EntityType Names from bukkit:>
Amount: 1<Amount of mobs you want to spawn when triggering the trap>

P r e s s u r e _ P l a t e _ T r a p s

This is one of the default traps from the config with some explanations:

Config LineHelp
Pressure_Plate_Traps:<This is just the header, don't touch it>
Enabled:<This is the enabled traps list, traps here will be enabled in game>
- Poisonous_Plate<Trap in the Enabled list.>
Poisonous_Plate:<Trap name, you can name them as you want, no empty spaces.>
Material: wood<The plates can be "wood" or "stone" material, this gives you even more combinations.>
Block: 86<This is the block type id that MUST be located 2 blocks below the PRESSURE PLATE to make the trap effective.>
Message: '&3Oh! You feel a litte &2Sick&3!'<The player will get this message if triggers the trap without bypass, to disable messages just remove the line, the symbols are cause i added color/format support.>
Effects:<This kind of trap is compatible with all the effects, add all you want.>
Poison:<Effect name, in this case is poison.>
Duration: 10<Effect attribute, duration in seconds.>
Power: 1<Effect attribute, more power = more damage per second.>

B u t t o n _ T r a p s

This is the default button trap from the config, remember, you can add all the traps you wish or modify the default ones, this kind of trap is similar to configure as the Pressure Plates:

Config LineHelp
Button_Traps:<This is just the header, don't touch it>
Enabled:<This is the enabled traps list, traps here will be enabled in game>
- Button_of_Doom<Trap in the Enabled list.>
Button_of_Doom:<Trap name, you can name them as you want, no empty spaces.>
Material: stone<The buttons can be "wood" or "stone" material, this gives you even more combinations.>
Block: 121<This is the block type id that MUST be located 3 blocks below the BUTTON to make the trap effective.>
Message: '&3You shouldn''t have pressed that button...'<The player will get this message if triggers the trap without bypass, to disable messages just remove the line, the symbols are cause i added color/format support.>
Effects:<This kind of trap is compatible with all the effects, add all you want.>
Explosion:<Effect name>
Power: 1<Effect attribute, more power = more explosion radious.>
Damage: 10<Flat damage, you can set the explosion damage to 0 to prevent block destroying and use this to hurt the player.>
Thunder:<Effect name>
Damage: 5<Flat damage, aditional damage plus the thunder.>

D o o r _ T r a p s

Again: here's a default Door Trap from the config, it's also similar as the others traps types:

Config LineHelp
Door_Traps:<This is just the header, don't touch it>
Enabled:<This is the enabled traps list, traps here will be enabled in game>
- Anvil_Jail<Trap in the Enabled list.>
Anvil_Jail:<Trap name>
Material: wood<The doors can only be "wood" cause iron doors can't be opened by a normal way.>
Block: 41<This is the block type id that MUST be located 2 blocks below the DOOR to make the trap effective.>
Message: '&3DANG! you are a bad boy, enjoy the &cJail&3!'<The player will get this message if triggers the trap without bypass, to disable messages just remove the line, the symbols are cause i added color/format support.>
Effects:<This kind of trap is compatible with all the effects, add all you want.>
Anvil:<Effect name>
Duration: 10<Effect attribute, in this case is the time the iron fence jail will prevail.>
Damage: 9<Flat damage, an iron Anvil will fall from various blocks over the player, the damage is inevitable.>


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