
# TriviaMaster Configuration
  - "Who is the original creator of Minecraft?"
  - "Example question 2"

# Answers must match up with the order of the questions
  - "notch"
  - "example answer 2"

# Number of questions to ask in an event; 0 to ask all
numOfQuestions: 0

# Randomize questions?
randomize: true

# Requires vault to use
moneyReward: 0.0

# Item - Amount - Data Value
  - 4 5

# Time in seconds for a question to last before skipping it
duration: 60

# Time in seconds to wait between questions
timeBetween: 5


# Language Options
# Default color codes supported
startMessage: "&6Trivia Event is starting! Good luck..."
timeUp: "&6Time is up! Next question..."
endMessage: "&6Trivia event has ended!"
oneWinner: "&6The winner of the Trivia Event is &4[winner] &6with &4[points] &6points!"
tiedWinners: "&6The winners of the Trivia Event are (tied for &4[points] &6points):"
noWinners: "&6There were no winners of the Trivia Event!"

# You cannot modify point values at this time
answered: "&4[player] &6has answered the question correctly and received &41 point!"


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