

  • /ts - Shows transactions help
  • /ts list - List the available offers (ID only)
  • /ts dlist - List the available offers (All info)
  • /ts offer <itemID> <amount> <price> - Offer a certain number of items for x each
  • /ts offer <itemName> <amount> <price> Offer a certain number of items for x each
  • /ts info <offerID> - Shows info about the offer with the given ID
  • /ts buy <offerID> <amount> - Buy a certain number of items of the given offer ID
  • /ts search <itemID> - Search for an offer matching the given item ID
  • /ts search <itemName> - Search for an offer based on item name (not as reliable as item ID)
  • /ts retract <offerID> - Retracts the given offer (If you are the one that posted it)


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