
TrainTicket v1.5

Download for Bukkit (V1.7.9, 1.8, 1.7.2)

Trainticket allows only people with 'tickets' to enter minecarts and boats. This Plugin now boasts ticket hooking an and integrated economy system, perfect for those roleplay moments! You can now create [booth] signs to sell tickets... and only players who have bought a ticket may enter with a piece of paper.

VAULT enables the economy system, it is required if you would like to use iConomy, essentialsEcon or any economy plugin with TrainTicket. If Vault isn't detected, TrainTicket switches to using gold ingots. For details on how this gold ingot system works, see the 'known caveats' section of the dowload page.


Basically, the plugin cancels the player from being able to enter a cart if they do not have a 'ticket' (a piece of paper). Players must have a ticket in their hands to be able to enter a minecart. On entering a minecart, the player is sent a message simply saying that they have entered the minecart, and the ticket is removed from the player's hands. A player must have a ticket in their hand in order for this to work. On player exiting a minecart, the player is sent a 'Hope you enjoyed the trip!' configurable message and is dismissed from the minecart. I plan to add more configuration options in the future.

Players buy tickets from [booth] signs, they can be set up like this:



<price, eg: 12.50, 5.70>

When a player with the permission node 'TrainTicket.booth.use' rightclicks these signs, the player will be given a ticket and permitted to enter a minecart with this ticket. If you are using the Gold Ingot currency, the ceiling of the number on the sign is the amount of gold ingots required. therefore, for 12.30 you would need 13 gold ingots to pay for the ticket. These 13 gold ingots would also need to be allocated as 13 somewhere else in your inventory other than the full stack of more than 13. The number in your inventory must be exactly 13, in a stack.


  • TrainTicket.exempt - Defines whether or not a player is exempt from having to need a ticket.
  • TrainTicket.booth.use - Defines whether a player can use a ticket booth
  • TrainTicket.booth.create - Defines whether a player or group can create a ticket [booth]

Planned Features

  • Worldgaurd support, For regions.


When you first run your server with trainticket, you will get a config file. Below is a config file with neccessary comments explaining every aspect of the TrainTicket configuration. You can copy + paste this into your config.yml

# TrainTicket configuration file example, with comments
  #This is the message that displays when you enter a vehicle successfully
  enterMessage: You entered a cart with a ticket!
  #This message displays when you leave a vehicle
  leaveMessage: Hope you enjoyed your ride!
  #When you havn't bought the ticket, or you aren't holding a ticket this displays
  deniedMessage: Have you paid for that? / You need a ticket to enter that vehicle!
  #This configures whether or not messages are enabled
  enabled: true
  #This message appears when the player attempting to buy a ticket doesn't have enough money
  boothDenied: Insufficient funds to buy a ticket!
  #This message appears when a player buys a ticket, trainticket will replace %price% with the price, or you
  #can leave it out.
  boothAccept: You have bought a ticket for %price%
  #The data value for ticket items, check data values at
  ticket_item_id: 339
  #Configures whether or not a minecart is dispensed when a player buys a ticket.
  dispense_minecart: true

For Videos of the plugin in action, check out the Videos & Media page!

This plugin uses the default bukkit permissions. If you find only ops can do everything, then you are using an outdated permissions plugin. The plugin named 'Permissions' for example, is outdated. Post me a pm or comment if you have any issues.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Oct 21, 2011
  • Last Released File
    Sep 8, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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