Old technical manual


The plugin is installed like any other Bukkitplugin. Put the TradeCraft.jar file in your plugins folder.

The plugin is configured using a file called TradeCraft.txt that will automatically be placed in the plugins/TradeCraft/ folder. Details on the format of the file appear below.

There is also a file called TradeCraft.properties in the same folder. You can set properties that configure how the plugin works in this file. Look inside the example file that comes with the plugin to see the properties you can set.


Players buy and sell items at "shops".

To create a shop, place a chest (single, not double) next to a wall. Place a sign on the wall behind the chest, but above it.

Here's the view of a shop from the side:

xs xc

x = any block type that's not a sign or chest. s = a sign block c = a chest block

When placing the sign above the chest, right-click the wall block that would be behind the sign.

There are two kinds of shops: Infinite shops and player-owned shops.

Infinite shops

To create an infinite shop, put the name of the item type the shop sells surrounded by square brackets on any line of the sign. The other lines can contain any text you want.

For example, to create an infinite shop where players can buy and sell sand, the text on the sign could look like this:

Buy and sell

Or, it could just say this:


The item type has to be on a line all by itself and there can't be any spaces outside or inside the square brackets. Case isn't important. The item types are defined by you in the TradeCraft.txt file.

No state is maintained in infinite shops. Players can buy an infinite amount of items (assuming they have enough gold) from infinite shops. They can also sell an infinite amount of items (earning an infinite amount of gold).

TODO: Allow administrators to disable infinite shops using a command and storing that setting in TradeCraft.properties.

Player-owned shops

Player-owned shops are created just like infinite shops, but the player who builds the shop gets to decide the exchange rates.

Player-owned shops are also limited in the amount of items that can be bought or sold there. The owner of the shop needs to deposit items and/or gold in order to keep it in operation.

The format for the text on a player-owned shop must look something like this:

Buy for 32:1
Sell for 48:1

The first line is the type of item bought and sold at that shop. This has to be a type that's configured in TradeCraft.txt (even though buying and/or selling that type of item from infinite shops may be disabled).

The second line contains the exchange rate (items to gold) for buying items from that shop. The third line contains the exchange rate (items to gold) for selling items from that shop. The "Buy for" and "Sell for" prefixes on both of those lines is optional. Either line can be empty to disable buying or selling at that shop.

The last line is the name of the player. This is automatically (over)written by the plugin. Players with long names will see their name truncated, but the plugin will store the full name for internal use.

Players are not allowed to create signs that contain other players' names. Likewise, players are not allowed to destroy signs (or the chests underneath them, or the block behind then) containing other players' names. Also all items have to be removed from player shops before they can be destroyed.

Using shops

To use the shop, you'll be placing items into the chest and right-clicking on the sign above it.

To buy items, put some gold in the chest and then right-click the sign. If you put enough gold in the chest to purchase at least one item, all of the gold in the chest will be replaced with the items.

To sell items, put your items in the chest and then right-click the sign. If you put enough items in the chest to earn at least one gold, all of the items in the chest will be replaced with gold.

All of the items in the chest must be of the same type. They can be the type indicated by the sign above the chest or all gold.

Managing player-owned shops

The player who owns a shop can deposit and withdraw both items and gold from the shops they own. They cannot buy or sell from their own shops.

When a player right-clicks the sign for a shop that he owns, the following happens:

If the chest is empty and there is gold available to withdraw, the chest is filled with that gold. Otherwise, any available items are withdrawn into the chest.

If the chest only contains gold, the gold is deposited and any available items are withdrawn.

If the chest only contains items, the items are deposited and the chest is cleared.

The gold and items in a shop is NOT shared across all shops for that type of item owned by that player. Each shop maintains its own state keyed off the location of the sign and stored in TradeCraft.data.


To configure what can be traded and for how much (at infinite shops), you need to edit TradeCraft.txt. The file should look like this:

# Comments look like this.

The first value is the name of the item as you want it to appear on your signs and in the messages the players see when they make their trades.

The second value is the block or item ID, optionally with a data value added (separated with a semicolon) for colored wool, logs, etc. You can see these values here:


The third value is the exchange rate. The number before the colon is how many of that item needs to be sold to earn the number of gold specified as the number after the colon. In the above example, players have to sell 32 sand blocks to get a single gold. They have to pay 64 gold to buy a single diamond.

You don't have to use the number 1 on either side of the colon. For example, you could use a ratio like 3:2. That means that selling 3 items will get you 2 gold. Selling 6 items will get you 4 gold. Likewise, spending 2 gold will get you 3 items and spending 4 gold will get you 6 items.

It's possible to configure separate exchange rates for buying and selling. If only a single ratio is specified, that ratio is used for both buying and selling. If two ratios are specified, the first is for buying and the second is for selling.

For example, to let players buy 32 sand for 1 gold, but only be able to sell 64 sand for 1 gold, you would configure it like this:


If you use a ratio of 0:0, that disables buying or selling of that item type.

For example, to allow players to buy diamonds, but not sell them, you would configure it like this:


If you click on a sign above an empty chest, you'll see a message saying what the exchange rates for both buying and selling are. On player shops you will also get information about the amount of items and 'money' still in the shop.


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