

toolbox.use - Allows the basic use of ToolBox.
toolbox.use.* - Allows the use of all ToolBox features.
toolbox.use.uf - Allows the use of the Ultimate Fist.
toolbox.use.hammer - Allows the use of Gods Hammer.
toolbox.use.hammer.hard - Allows the use of Gods Hammer in "hard mode". - Allows the use of the Leaf Blower.
toolbox.use.invpick - Allows the use of InvPick. - Allows item repairing.
toolbox.admin - Allows the use of the admin command
toolbox.admin.* - Allows all of the below:
toolbox.admin.give - Allows giving users stuff.
toolbox.admin.take - Allows taking stuff away from users.
toolbox.admin.delete - Allows delete players' ToolBoxes.
toolbox.admin.reload - Allows to reload the config.