
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.


What is TitlesLittleHelper

TitlesLittleHelper is a plugin for Bukkit to help you administrate titles and groups of titles in different easy ways. It can import a text file filled with groups and titles and manage rights to these groups through in-game commands (manual adding of groups) or permissions (automatically adding of groups.)

MyTitlesContinued dependancy

This plugin uses MyTitlesContinued (http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/mytitlescontinued/) plugin for the storage of the titles.


Most of the commands are only accessible through the console. This is done so the chance of messing up your titles is at a minimum. Most of the commands can be shortened to one letter. For example tlh import can also be started with tlh i.

A list of commands can also be found on this page - http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/titleslittlehelper/pages/commands/

Console only commands

  • tlh import - Imports the import.txt file
  • tlh reset - Removes all titles registered and clears the config - Reset doesn't have a short command!
  • tlh list <playername> - Lists the titles that player has. If <playername> is omitted then all the titles will be showed.

Console and in-game commands

  • /tlh add <groupname> <player> - Adds a group to a player.
  • /tlh remove <groupname> <player> - Removes a group from a player.


There is just one global permission for TitlesLittleHelper.

  • titleslittlehelper.admin - This gives the player the right to add and remove title groups to players

The permissions for the groups are created on the fly in the plugin and are as followed.

  • TLH.<groupname> - The permission starts with TLH and ends with the name of the group.

If you have a group of titles named Example then the permission for this group will be TLH.Example.

Here is an example I've made for PermissionsBukkit.

        - Newcomer
            TLH.Newcomer: true

A list of the permissions can be found here - http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/titleslittlehelper/pages/permissions/

How to import

To import your list of titles you can create a file in the TitlesLittleHelper plugin folder called import.txt.

The layout of this file is as easy as I could make it.


The import knows when we're dealing with a group if the line starts with a dash (-) All titles beyond this will be added to this group until it finds a line with a new group name. The total syntax is as followed.

-groupname or -groupname|prefix or -groupname|prefix|suffix

  • Groupname is the name you want to give this group. This name can not contain any spaces!
  • Prefix is the prefix of the titles in this group. This way you won't have to change every single title.
  • Suffix is the suffix of the titles in this group. This way you won't have to change every single title.
  • Inside the prefix and suffix you should place an @ sign. This will be replaced with the actual title.


The syntax for titles are just the same as for groupnames but without the @ sign.

titlename or titlename|prefix or titlename|prefix|suffix

If there is no prefix or suffix supplied the titlename will be used as the title. This way you only have to add a prefix/suffix if your title contains a white space or other possible invalid characters.


I can't explain as good as an example can show you. So here is a little example of the import.txt file

RatCather|Rat Catcher


Temporary download link: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1739265/TitlesLittleHelper.zip


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jan 5, 2012
  • Last Released File
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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