
This page is incomplete.

Commands are configured under the commands key. TimeShift comes with several defaults

A few examples from the config, demonstrating the loop types 'loop', 'startup', and 'stop':

# A basic definition.
  day: # This is what will be displayed in chat messages. You can change it to "Day" or "Nacht" or whatever you'd like to see for '%setting'
  # Synonyms. Capitalization doesn't matter.
      - d
    # Most common type, if you forget this, it'll be assumed, but you'll get a notice about it on startup.
    type: loop
    # Minecraft time uses a 24000 tick clock, with approximately 20 ticks/second occurring under optimum conditions.
    # The times in the config.yml file may give you hints as to when the default events occur, which may assist in creating you own.
      - 450 # Time to loop from
      - 11449 # Time to loop to
      - riseset
    # It's still a loop, just a more complex one.
    type: loop
    # These are the sunset settings from config.yml.
      - 11550
      - 14149
    # These are the sunrise settings from config.yml.
      - 21900
      - 24000
    # This goes from 24000 to 0 because sunrise wraps around the 24000 tick mark in minecraft's clock
      - 0
      - 550
      # They were all pairs. If you have an odd number of 'times' settings, it will be rejected.
      - start
    # While you'll likely have multiple loop commands, you'll likely only have one startup command with aliases. Startup commands define the modifier for setting a loop to persist or occur immediately.
    type: startup
    # Stop commands will stop a shift on a world.
    type: stop


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