Time Ranks

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

This is a very simple and easy to use plugin that works right when you install it. This is my first plugin and I am not familiar with some of the code, this plugin does work wonderful though. Please post comments in the comment box and don't post full errors in there. Suggestions are greatly accepted and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

The config.yml SHOULD be blank! For an example config click Here

The only way I can help you is if you leave a ticket!!


This plugin runs a configurable command after a specified amount of time( just put in the command that is used to rank up players). This will also let you see who has come on your server and how long they have been on for.


/timeranks {player} This command doesn't have a permission node anyone can use it on the server - Allows you to see how long the specified player has been on and can be used as a 'rank up' if the player has exceded the time

/timeranks list Lists the players that have been on and how long they have been on and their rank.



Only used if you are an admin, owner, and/or donator (time ranks ignores you so you dont get ranked down)


gives access to /timeranks list


Click the download link and get the most up to date version. Drop the TimeRanks.jar into your plugins folder and restart your server. Make sure you have some sort of already set up permission system (PEX recommended) if you intend to use this plugin for rank ups. Thats it, everything you have to do to install.


If this doesn't help you then go HERE for an example config

The name bronze is only a default name. Change it to your first ranked up group. Say miner is default and gold is the ranked up group then switch out bronze with gold.


The amount of time before a player is ranked up. (set in minutes so if you are doing days your going to have to do some math to convert)

playingtime: 25 {time in minutes}

this command is not a ranking up command i am only showing that you can use the <player> and it will put in the players' name who has spent 25 minutes.

command: tell <player> You have spent 25 minutes on the server hooray!

To have multiple ranks just copy the three lines above and paste them below as many times as you want just like below, but you cant do more than one command per group; that will be in the next update.

This is the next group.


playingtime: 60

command: gamemode 1 <player>


You must have different groups and times or else this plugin will probably crash your server. Also make the time a good about higher as you go down the file (10 minutes at least) Also TimeRanks creates a blank config file for a reason so all you have to do is copy the example config above and it should work for you.

If you have an error or don't understand either comment or leave a ticket

Coming Next Update

configurable messages

per world commands

Leave a comment if you want anything else

Authors' Note

Dont forget to come on my server: play.jackcrafters.com

Thank you so much for downloading! This took me a long time and I plan to keep it up to date and respond to every comment. Please, if you have been searching for a plugin like this for a long time and are happy that its finally here DONATE!! It motivates me to get this plugin as good as it can possibly be.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jan 16, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Mar 17, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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