
Configuration v1.2

# Thirst by darknavi
# Request a feature by emailing me: [email protected]
# Delete config to regenerate defaults
# All strings support the following color codes:
# &0	 Black
# &1	 Dark Blue
# &2	 Dark Green
# &3	 Dark Aqua
# &4	 Dark Red
# &5	 Purple
# &6	 Gold
# &7	 Grey
# &8	 Dark Grey
# &9	 Indigo
# &a	 Bright Green
# &b	 Aqua
# &c	 Red
# &d	 Pink
# &e	 Yellow
# &f	 White
# Messages related to your thirst level
# Formate:
#       level: Message
# Example:
#       10: Wow, my thirst is at 10!  Crazy!
  50: 'My throat is rough and dry...'
  75: 'My mouth feels dry...'

# Messages related to action.  Only edit messages that are already here, and DO NOT remove any from the list.
#   thirst-quench: Sent whenever someone's thirst reaches 100
#   drink-saltwater: Sent when a player drinks from a salt water source
#   fill-waterbottle: Sent when a player fills their water bottle from the rain
  thirst-quench: 'I quench my thirst.'
  drink-saltwater: 'This water is a bit salty...'
  fill-waterbottle: 'I fill my waterbottle from the rain...'
  dehydrated: 'You are dehydrated!  Drink water man!'

# This is the message that is displayed when a user types /thirst.  You can use a few different variables here:
#   '%i' will display the user's thirst in integer form.  Example: 100
#   '%b' will display the user's thirst in a visual bar.  Example: |||||||||||||
thirstStatusMessage: '&2Thirst&f: %i'

# General Settings
#   decrement: The number of thirst your players thirst goes down every 'calculation-time' ticks
#   calculation-time: The number of ticks between decrementing a player's thirst
#   persistent-thirst: If this is true, thirst will persist through deaths
decrement: 1
calculation-time: 200
persistent-thirst: false

# Container drinking settings
#  milk: Set the number of thirst regened from drinking milk buckets
#  waterbucket: Set the number of thirst regened from drinking water buckets
#  waterbottle: Set the number of thirst a player gets when they drink a water bottle
        enabled: true
        thirstRegened: 100
        enabled: true
        thirstRegened: 100
        enabled: true
        thirstRegened: 100

# Settings pertaining to players that are 'dehydrated'
#   dehydration-level: Thirst level between 0 and 100 that a player is deemed as 'dehydrated'
#   healthDamage: The number of damage points the player is delt every 'calculation-time' when player is dehydrated.  NOTE: Can be posative or negative
#   hungerDamage: The number of hunger saturation points the player loses every 'calculation-time' ticks when player is dehydrated.  NOTE: Can be posative or negative
  dehydration-level: 10
  healthDamage: 1
  hungerDamage: 0

# Settings pertaining to saltwater consumption
#   enabled: true/false, if you want players to have adverse effects from drinking from a saltwater source
#   thirstRegened: The number of thirst a player gains from drinking from saltwater.  NOTE: Can be posative or negative
#   healthDamage: The number of damage points the player is delt when drinking from saltwater.  NOTE: Can be posative or negative
#   hungerDamage: The number of hunger saturation points the player loses when drinking from saltwater.  NOTE: Can be posative or negative
  enabled: true
  thirstRegened: 2
  healthDamage: 0
  hungerDamage: 2