
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.


TheTrollBox is designed to keep admins having a good time while paroling their server. All it does is allows you to type in the specific command and it will produce a broadcast as though you typed the real command in, eg: /tb op will simulate /op etc. There's not really anything more to it than that, oh and the "/tb slap" command lets you have some fun. Colors and formatting is enabled to make it more believable

Also, for the fully annotated configuration, please click here


  • Tip:
    • <> - Needed
    • [] - Optional
  • /tb help <commands|permissions> <page> - Shows TheTrollBox help
  • /tb op <playername> - Fake op the given player
  • /tb deop <playername> - Fake deop the given player
  • /tb chat <message> - Create a broadcast with any wanted format
  • /tb join [playername] - Fake yours or a players join
  • /tb leave [playername] - Fake yours or a players leave
  • /tb ban <playername> <reason> - Kick a player with the /ban format
  • /tb unban <playername> - Fake unban the given player
  • /tb kick <playername> <reason> - Fake kick the given player
  • /tb slap <playername> - Slap the given player with the configured force
  • /tb marry <playername> - Marry the given player
  • /tb divorce <playername> - Divorce the given player
  • /tb steal <playername> <amount> - Steal the given amount of money from the given player
  • /tb mute <playername> <timeinminutes> - Fake mute the given player for the given time, if no time is supplied, then forever
  • /tb fart <playername> - Makes the given player fart, causing a ring of smoke, a little thrust, and the nausea potion effect
  • /tb thrust <playername> - Makes the given player thrust foward in the direction they are facing
  • /tb talk <playername> <message> - Makes the given player say <message> in chat
  • /tb kill <playername> <killedby> - Broadcasts that the given player was killed by <killedby>
  • /tb lay <playername> - Makes a given player lay a chicken
  • /tb trap <playername> - Traps the given player in obsidian walls
  • /tb nocheatplus <playername> <violationlevel> - Broadcasts that the given player is hacking with the given violation level


  • thetrollbox.op
  • thetrollbox.deop
  • thetrollbox.join
  • thetrollbox.leave
  • thetrollbox.ban
  • thetrollbox.unban
  • thetrollbox.kick
  • thetrollbox.slap
  • thetrollbox.marry
  • thetrollbox.divorce
  • thetrollbox.steal
  • thetrollbox.mute
  • thetrollbox.fart
  • thetrollbox.reload
  • thetrollbox.thrust
  • thetrollbox.kill
  • thetrollbox.lay
  • thetrollbox.trap
  • thetrollbox.nocheatplus


Feel free to give me suggestions, I'm always looking for more to add :) also if you find bugs, please file a ticket to get the bug sorted.

Coming In The Next Update

  • Nothing yet


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Dec 13, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Dec 13, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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