
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

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IMPORTANT NOTE: Spout is required and this will only work for players using the Spoutcraft client.


This plugin will override the player's normally chosen texture pack while they are on your server. They will be set to a default texture pack of your choice when they first connect, after which they can choose from a list of available texture packs you have selected. After they choose a different texture pack from your list, their choice will be remembered on subsequent logins.
This will allow you to prevent players from using transparent texture packs to cheat (finding ores and hidden chests easily), and allow players to switch between popular texture packs without leaving the server.

Screenshot of Menu Screenshot after selection


/texture - show the texture pack selection menu. In-game players only.
/texture reload - reload the texture pack list from config.yml.
/texture reset <player> - reset the texture pack for the specified player to the server default. This can be useful if a player selects a texture pack which is larger than their allocated memory can handle.


These are "superperms" (built-in Bukkit) permissions, so older Permissions plugins will not be able to affect them.
texturepackmenu.texture (granted by default) - allows the use of the /texture command. Since it is granted by default to all players, if you don't want certain players to be able to use it, you will need to revoke the permission.
texturepackmenu.reload (default Ops and server console only) - allows use of the /texture reload command.
texturepackmenu.reset (default Ops and server console only) - allows use of the /texture reset <player> command.

Setup Info

To require that players use the Spoutcraft client on your server, you can set this option in Spout's config.yml file:

ForceSinglePlayerClient: true

You will need to edit the default config.yml for this plugin to contain a list of texture pack names and download URLs that you have chosen. Editing the file should be pretty straightforward, as it is formatted for ease of modification. You can see the default config.yml file here.
It is even possible to allow players to keep their own texture pack by default (instead of overriding it) and essentially just use the plugin to showcase other texture packs.

If you appreciate this plugin, you are welcome to Donate.
Thanks to the following people who have been gracious enough to donate: Jeremie Swartz


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Oct 6, 2011
  • Last Released File
    Nov 26, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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