Match configuration

Match configuration

Important things to check

  • Make sure no players are opped before anyone joins the server.
  • Create a spawn platform high up (above y=128) at 0,0 and do /setspawn while standing on it. The plugin will automatically ensure that players joining the match are forced to remain there (if they drop below y=128 they will be teleported back to spawn).
  • If you don't want to use this feature, set the spawn point to any location below y=128

Configuring the match

When you start a new world, a file called uhcmatch.yml is created in the main world folder. This file contains all the same options as config.yml, and in addition, also contains:

  • Players' start locations
  • Points of interest
  • World border
  • Names of players and teams (if saved using /uhc save teams).

You can edit this file manually to configure teams and players ahead of time.

If you prefer, you can do all of the configuration from within the game, using the following commands:

/uhc params

List all the available configuration parameters and their current values

/uhc set parameter value

Sets the value of the specified configuration parameter

/players and /teams

These two commands can be used to view, create and delete players and teams.

  • /players - lists teams
  • /players add name - adds a player called name
  • /players add name identifier - adds a player called name to the team identified by identifier
  • /players rm name - removes the player called name
  • /players addall - adds all remaining players (free-for-all matches only)
  • /teams - lists teams
  • /teams add identifier full-team-name - creates a new team with the given name and identifier
  • /teams rm identifier - removes the team with the given identifier


  • /teams lists all current teams, and /players lists all players
  • /teams add python Monty Python - would create a team called "Monty Python" with the identifier "python".
  • /players add dead_parrot python - would add a player called "dead_parrot" to the aforementioned team.
  • /players addall is a useful command for free-for-all matches, which adds all online players to the match.

Bonus chest

Configuring bonus chest contents (pre-match) is done as follows:

  • Place an enderchest
  • Type /uhc getbonus - the contents of your enderchest will become a copy of the current bonus chest inventory
  • Edit enderchest contents as desired
  • Type /uhc setbonus - your enderchest contents will be saved as the new bonus chest for all players/teams

Creating start points

First, make sure you have set the ffa parameter to the correct value (true for single players, false for teams). In teams mode, you get 3x3 starting pens, but in FFA mode you get 1x1.

/uhc sp creates a start point at your current location, and builds a glass holding pen with a chest below the player's feet and a sign outside. The chest will be filled with the configured bonus chest items, and the sign will be marked with the player or team's name, when the match begins.

  • If you want to create start points without pens, or reconfigure start points where the pen already exists, type /uhc sp -n.

Calculating start locations

The plugin has functionality to automatically calculate start points locations. You still have to manually create the starts, but this allows you to do this more easily for certain specific player configurations.

Radial start points

  • /calcstarts radial n radius - Calculates n start points in a circle of radius radius around 0,0.
  • /tpcs n - Teleports you to the nth calculated start point

Starting the match

There are two steps here - "launching" (teleporting players to their start points) and the actual start of the match. Launching takes place 90 seconds before the match begins, in order to ensure that the world has time to load.

The entire starting process can be run fully automated, by typing the /ready command. This will give a 2-minute countdown, at the start of which any players who haven't yet joined will be reminded to join.

You can also choose a shorter countdown if you wish, by giving a duration in seconds. For a 10-second countdown, type /ready 10. However, if your countdown is less than 90 seconds, you will need to manually launch players first, by typing /launch.

When the match begins, time is set to 0, players are healed and fed, and mobs are butchered automatically.


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