Old versions of Telegion




Telegion is my first plugin.
I couldn't find any plugin that was able to teleport players randomly predefined points.
So I decided to create mine... but having no knowledge un Java, I was, I confess, some difficulties.
But I did !

What does Telegion can do ?

Telegion is able to teleport a player to a random point in a section (category). For example, a moderator has created a section named "S1" and placed 5 points on it. When a player will perform the command (or click on the corresponding sign), this player will be teleported at one of the 5 points of the "S1" section.


  • /telg help - show the plugin's help
  • /telg reload - reload the plugin
  • /telg prefix <prefix> - change plugin's prefix to <prefix>
  • /telg lang <lang> (nouveau !) - change plugin's language with the file <lang>.yml (the file <lang>.yml must be in the plugin's folder root)
  • /telg playermsgs <true/false> - set by true or false if the players see a message when they are teleported by Telegion
  • /telg create <section> - create a section (consider "category") named <section>
  • /telg delete <section> - delete the section <section> and all of its points
  • /telg addpoint <section> <point> - add the point <point> to the section <section>
  • /telg delpoint <section> <point> - delete the point <point> of the section <section>
  • /telg tp [<player>] <section> - teleport the player <player> (if omitted, sender) at a random point of the section <section>


How to create a section

It's easy.
Position yourself where you want (we don't care) and type /telg create <section>.
Obviously, replace <section> by the name you want.
For example, if you have a PvP game that contains several maps, like "The Village", "Forest", etc, your section can be "TheVillage".
You can create many sections as you want.

How to create a teleportation point

Easy too.
Place yourself at the location you want the point teleports players to, and type /telg addpoint <section> <point>.
Replace <section> by a section you've been created earlier and <point> by a name (anything, but to be removed, it's would be nice to be recognizable). You can create many points you want.

Config file


PREFIX: Telegion
LANG: fr


  • prefix
    Plugin's prefix that will be displayed IG.
    Default : Telegion
    You can change it with the command /telg prefix <prefix> > Check Commands section
    Define if players see a message when they are teleported.
    Default : true
    You can change it with the command /telg playermsgs <true/false> > Check Commands section
  • LANG (nouveau !)
    Define what language file will be used for the plugin. It must be named <lang>.yml and be placed to the plugin's root folder. Ex : en.yml
    Default : fr
    You can change it with the command /telg lang <lang> > Check Commands section


  • telegion.admin : allow commands /telg help, /telg reload, /telg prefix, /telg lang and /telg playermsgs
  • telegion.create : allow command /telg create
  • telegion.delete : allow command /telg delete
  • telegion.tp : allow command /telg tp <section>
  • telegion.tpothers : allow command /telg tp <player> <section>
  • telegion.addpoint : allow command /telg addpoint
  • telegion.delpoint : allow command /telg delpoint

Signs (pictures are in french)

Create a section named Section1
/telg create Section1

Create the point "1" in the section "Section1"
/telg addpoint Section1 1

Create the point "2" in the section "Section1"
/telg addpoint Section1 2

Create a sign tthat teleport at a point of the section "Section1"
First line : TELEGION (uppercase, but you can set a colorcode)
Second line : What you want
Third line Section's name (in the example, Section1)
Fourth line : What you want

Teleport with a sign" Click on the sign !


Telegion, teleport, region, preset, predefined points, sign, teleport commands, configured points, point, game, easy to use, teleport by point


  • Add a command /telg list that list already created sections
  • Create permissions to allow players to teleport themselves to a well-defined section (for example allow /telg tp Section1 but no /telg tp Section2)
  • Any idea ? Any suggestion ? Post a comment !


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