
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.


What is it?

Tags is a simple lightweight plugin, that allows you to tag a players name in chat using Twitter like tagging, (@<player name>), to make who you are trying to gain attention to! By doing @hcherndon, it will make the name light purple and also send the player the sound of a cat mewing. Why? Well. Everyone seems to like cats, so, well. We are doing cats. (I also hear the BukkitStaff like cats.)

How to do it?

The plugin is simple. (Permission node is in Parentheses) @ - For an individual player. (tags.tag) (@<name> also works in signs. (tags.sign)) ! - For notifying all the players on the server. (tags.notify) (These are all done through your chat, as a listener. No need to do /'s)

Command wise?

/tags (help) (tags.menu) - Displays the help menu for Tags.

/tags sound list (tags.menu) - Lists all the sounds you can use to troll your player base with the following commands. xD

/tags soundall <sound name> (tags.soundall) - Sends the specified sound to all players logged in to server. (Sadly they have to have their sounds on to hear them. :/)

/tags sound <player> <sound> (tags.sound) - Sends a specified sound to a specified player. (The sound can be heard by nearby players.)

Override permissions: Op (Of course) (tags.*)

What makes this so fun?

Tags is a simple plugin that just lets you have some fun with your players, along with the notification system.

Heres a senario. A player is mining and you feel like messing with him a bit. Simply do /tags sound zoppp enderdragon_death (My personal favorite sound) and he will then start flipping out, for that is a really creepy sound. Especially if you are not in the End.

Its just a great little addition to have for it uses next to no resources on your server!

Suggestions please?

I am fully open to suggestions to add in future versions, so PLEASE help me out. I am new, and not very creative :/.

Hope you enjoy this. :3 And you know, maybe a few people would be awesome enough to make videos of themselves trolling some people with it? ;3


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jan 22, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Jan 22, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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