Sword Asker

Sword Asker

Sword Asker is a plugin designed for guards on prison servers. If a guard cannot count down fast enough or properly while trying to get someone to hand over their contraband item, Sword Asker is a plugin that asks for people's contraband items including: /sword (default) and other commands that can be added. Make sure the message path names are exactly the same as the previous.


Planned Features:

  • Asking for a weapon from in a specific area.
  • Displaying the player's "head" name as a different color when being targeted.
  • Asking for a contraband weapon by selecting an item in the target's inventory.


  • /sword <player> Asks the player for their sword then gives a countdown warning with the sender's name. This is the default command in the plugin, this can be changed in the configuration file, other commands can be added as well.
  • /swordaskerreload Reloads the configuration file.
  • /swordaskerinfo Checks updates from the plugin.


  • swordasker.sword Gives access to the /sword command.
  • swordasker.swordaskerreload Gives access to the /swordaskerreload command
  • swordasker.swordaskerinfo Gives access to the /swordaskerinfo command
  • swordasker.resistdeath When death for logging is enabled, this permission prevents the user from logging into their death.


  • v1.8.1 Fixed some errors.
  • v1.8 Added custom commands and other new features!
  • v1.7.23 I further tested Sword Asker and found that a lot of errors were left out while typing the command at odd times, (like when the player is dead) added broadcasting with messages that tell you when a player resists an arrest during a countdown, such as going offline.
  • v1.7.22 The "for" method was completely removed due to code having to do with the configuration file not to work properly.
  • v1.7.21 Added a changelog menu, commands are now username sensitive, disabled asking contraband from yourself (configure), removed the other weapon commands (preparation for custom commands), able to broadcast messages "fixed" (configure), customize the duration of the countdown (configure).
  • v1.7.2 Fixed the custom permissions bracket, messages can now be sent publicly.
  • v1.7.1 Updated to 1.8.1, able to edit the prefix, added a reload command, able to customize permissions (except for reload), custom commands are under way!
  • v1.7 Less messages to edit, able to edit ALL the text, doesn't have to be 20 ticks anymore, more code clean up, removed all configuration variables and converted them into one, the default text for messages is slightly off instead of everything being.
  • v1.6 Added a Configuration File with editable messages.
  • v1.5 Updated to 1.7.4, Temporarily removed PvP abuse function commands and seeing what command someone typed. To prevent glitches, now using Beta Builds instead of Developer Builds.
  • v1.4 Updated to 1.6.1, Added PvP abuse function.
  • v1.3 Added Developer Build support, Removed Wheat, Added Drug, Rod, and Flint.
  • v1.2 Changed the error-ed message "You do not have have access to that command!" to "You do not have access to that command!"
  • v1.1 Added Bow, Arrow, and Wheat.
  • v1.0 Release

Disclaimer: You may not post here and ask me to develop for your server, and you may not ask to help develop my plugins. That is private information.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Apr 12, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Feb 13, 2019
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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