

SweetPvP is a plugin with allows you to manage and automate your PvP-arenas with only little setup. Players can join the arenas with different (customizable) kits and powers or just start a classic Fist Fight. I made this plugin for my own server, so I could have a plugin with all my needs. The reason for immediately releasing in release-mode (instead of beta/alpha) is that this is the result I'd liked to come up with as plugin, just simple and not too complicated. Also your input will determine what will be in the plugin at later stages, I've nothing really planned myself. If you know something you would like to have added into the plugin, let me know :) If you're about to use the plugin on your server, be sure to check out the other pages (configuration/permissions) as well to prevent wrong set-ups (and stupid questions). Most information is found in the configuration-page.

How To Install

  1. Download the version of SweetPvP you'd like to have on your server
  2. Place the .jar in the plugins folder
  3. You're now ready to go!


Command/Feature Description
/spvp Shows the help-screen
/spvp setlobby Sets the spawn of the lobby (admin)
/spvp set <arena#> Sets the next spawn of the arena (admin)
/spvp delete <arena#> Deletes all the spawns of a certain arena (admin)
/spvp enable <arena#> Enables the use of an arena (staff)
/spvp disable <arena#> Disables the use of an arena (staff)
/spvp quit Once joined a game, the quit command will let you quit the match
/spvp forcestart <arena#> Force an arena to start when the arena isn't full (staff)
Dynamic Signs Signs will show the arena-status (amount players/disabled/in-game)
Kits Let your players start with your home-made kits
Powers Fist-fights with a little more action
Classic Fights Just like boxing
Prizes Let your winners earn a little prize

All features will be explained in the configuration-section.


Why can't my players join arena x?
Please make sure that whenever you use a "Power" or "Kit" sign, the players have the sweetpvp.power.<power> and/or sweetpvp.kit.<kit> permission(s). Check also the permission-page.


  • Annoying message when clicking any non-Spvp-sign. (Fixed in future version, although the losers lose their inventory,... right...)

Upcoming Features

  • Nerf drain-power
  • The development of this plugin is nothing without your input! Leave your ideas :)

Do you want to be always up to date to the latest developments? Do you want to ask me anything? Follow me on Twitter @CaneyDearie!


If my months of work have made your day so vigorous that you want to give something in return, you can hit the donate button in the menu bar to show me your love <3


If you'd like to say/notice/talk or whatever to me, you can always send a PM, mail me to [email protected] or tweet me @CaneyDearie. This can be good stuff, bad stuff or just silly talk (I'm always in for it). My mind supports English and Dutch. If you'd like to talk German or French it can... But I can't express myself that good in those two languages and I'll probably switch over to English.

Other Plugins

Other plugins made by me:



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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jul 27, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Aug 4, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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