Configuration Files

Configuartion Files (1.4)


# SurpriseBags config file
# Version ${project.version}

# General settings:

# Will a random bag drop from mobs, set to yes/no
# The drops will be limited to monsters (e.g. Zombies, Creepers, etc.)
drop-from-mobs: yes

# What is the global drop chance (0.10 is 10%, 0.01 is 1%, etc.)
# Note: This is the chance that a surprise bag, might drop. The
# actual drop chance depends on the surprise bag's drop-chance itself.
# For more info, see the configuration files of bags.
drop-chance: 0.50

# Looting-Sensitive
# If true, then the global drop chance will increase by 5% for
# every level of the looting enchantment. That is, if players are
# using a looting sword, they have higher chances of getting bags.
# Note that this only affects the global drop chance (see above) and
# not the particular bag drop chance (which is set per bag).
looting-sensitive: no

# An area to limit the drops. This refers to a WorldGuard area ID.
# This is useful if you want bags to drop only in spawn, for example.
# You must have WorldGuard installed for this to work.
#drop-limit-to-area: "myspawn"

# Limit drops to particular world
# If this is set, bags will only drop on that world.
#drop-limit-to-world: "world"

# Opening Spy Message
# If true, server ops will get a message whenever a user opens a bag.
openingspymessage: yes


# The material of the bag item. This is "CHEST" by default.
material: CHEST

# The item's display name. 
# You may use color codes with the '&' character.
displayname: "&3Mysterious Treausre"

# A friendly message on the item lore description.
# You may use color codes with the '&' character.
openmsg: "&2Hold item and right click to open!"

# Mob drop-chance.
# On top of the global drop-chance, this states the
# chance of this particular bag dropping by a mob.
# 0.05 is %5, 0.10 is 10%, 0.5 is 50% and so on.
drop-chance: 0.05

# The items in the bag.
# This bag has 1 enchanted book, 1 ghast tear, 2 diamond blocks and other items.
# When players open the bag, they get exactly 1 item from the bag (e.g. 1 Dblock).
# This means that players are more likely to get a diamond block than a ghast tear.

    - ==: org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack
      type: ENCHANTED_BOOK
      amount: 1
        ==: ItemMeta
        meta-type: ENCHANTED
          DAMAGE_ALL: 4

    - ==: org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack
      type: GHAST_TEAR
      amount: 1

    - ==: org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack
      type: NETHER_STAR
      amount: 1

    - ==: org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack
      type: DIAMOND_BLOCK
      amount: 2

    - ==: org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack
      type: ENDER_PEARL
      amount: 2

    - ==: org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack
      type: DIAMOND_BOOTS
        ==: ItemMeta
        meta-type: UNSPECIFIC
          PROTECTION_FALL: 3

    - ==: org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack
        ==: ItemMeta
        meta-type: UNSPECIFIC

    - ==: org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack
        ==: ItemMeta
        meta-type: UNSPECIFIC

    - ==: org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack
      type: DIAMOND_HELMET
        ==: ItemMeta
        meta-type: UNSPECIFIC
          OXYGEN: 3


# The material of the bag item. This is "CHEST" by default.
material: CHEST

# The item's display name. 
# You may use color codes with the '&' character.
displayname: "&eTrick-or-Treat Box"

# A friendly message on the item lore description.
# You may use color codes with the '&' character.
openmsg: "&2Hold item and right click to open!"

# Failure chance
# If you choose to define this, there is an additional chance that the
# player will fail while opening the bag. Upon failing, the player will
# not get any item. Instead, a random negative status effect will be applied
# as well as a random message. All of which can be defined in this configuration.
# 0.10 is 10%, 0.5 is 50% and so on.
failure-chance: 0.20
  - "&2There is nothing funny about Halloween."
  - "&cPeople only get good luck or bad luck."
  - "&4You are not dressed up for Halloween."

# Mob drop-chance.
# On top of the global drop-chance, this states the
# chance of this particular bag dropping by a mob.
# 0.10 is 10%, 0.5 is 50% and so on.
drop-chance: 0.25

# The items in the bag.
# This bag has 10 pumpkin pies, 10 raw fish, 1 enchanted book, 2 diamonds,
# 1 diamond helmet with prot 1 and some other goodies.
# When players open the bag, they get 1 item from the bag (e.g. 1 pie).
# This means that players are more likely to get a pumpkin pie or a fish
# than a diamond, and that the armor piece and the book are the most rare.

      - ==: org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack
        type: PUMPKIN_PIE
        amount: 10
          ==: ItemMeta
          meta-type: UNSPECIFIC
          display-name: "Ghostly Pie"

      - ==: org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack
        type: RAW_FISH
        amount: 10
          ==: ItemMeta
          meta-type: UNSPECIFIC
          display-name: "Knifefish"

      # Power 1 book
      - ==: org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack
        type: ENCHANTED_BOOK
        amount: 1
          ==: ItemMeta
          meta-type: ENCHANTED
            ARROW_DAMAGE: 1

      - ==: org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack
        type: DIAMOND
        amount: 2

      - ==: org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack
        type: DIAMOND_HELMET
        amount: 1
          ==: ItemMeta
          meta-type: UNSPECIFIC
          display-name: "Lucky Hat"

      - ==: org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack
        type: JACK_O_LANTERN
        amount: 3

      # Zombie's head
      - ==: org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack
        type: SKULL_ITEM
        damage: 2
        amount: 1

      # Invisiblity potion (with custom name)
      - ==: org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack
        type: POTION
        damage: 8238
        amount: 1
          ==: ItemMeta
          meta-type: POTION
          display-name: Witch's Brew
          repair-cost: 2


# The material of the bag item. This is "CHEST" by default.
material: REDSTONE

# The item's display name. 
# You may use color codes with the '&' character.
displayname: "&dSurprise Bag"

# A friendly message on the item lore description.
# You may use color codes with the '&' character.
openmsg: "&2Hold item and right click to open!"

# Mob drop-chance.
# On top of the global drop-chance, this states the
# chance of this particular bag dropping by a mob.
# 0.10 is 10%, 0.5 is 50% and so on.
drop-chance: 0.30

# The items in the bag.
# This bag has 2 pumpkin pies, 2 apple, 3 melon, 3 cookie, 1 cake 
# and 1 magma cream.
# When players open the bag, they get exactly 1 item from the list (e.g. 1 apple).
# This means that players are more likely to get a pumpkin pie than a cake.

      - ==: org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack
        type: PUMPKIN_PIE
        amount: 2

      - ==: org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack
        type: APPLE
        amount: 2

      - ==: org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack
        type: MELON
        amount: 3

      - ==: org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack
        type: COOKIE
        amount: 3

      - ==: org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack
        type: CAKE
        amount: 1

      - ==: org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack
        type: MAGMA_CREAM
        amount: 1


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